Chapter 31 - Short Reunion

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Chapter 31

Short Reunion

Back in Arktis, Amelia, Haruto, and Lynae were in the tavern looking around all of the happy mer celebrating their victory they had nearly a week ago. Amelia couldn't feel but anguish and anxiety throughout the celebration. Then Haruto grasped her hand in comfort. "It's gotten worse, hasn't it?" Haruto said with sad eyes.

"Haruto-" Amelia was then cut off. "Tell me the truth, and don't brush it off saying 'you're fine'. What is troubling you the most?" Haruto demanded an answer out of Amelia.

"They're coming back." Amelia said softly. "When?" Haruto asked. "In two days, they'll be bringing on some crew of some sorts. They're going to try to expose and potentially capture us, Haruto." Amelia said shaking.

"Then what are we waiting for? We have to get ready for them!" Haruto said jerking up spilling the contents on the table. Then he swam over to get everyone's attention.

"Listen up, may I have your attention please?" The mer simmered down to listen in. "I've just received a tip that this battle is not over yet. More ships are coming." Everyone turned in confusion. "This is very important because this means our livelihoods are at stake. They're possibly going to send in divers to search for us."

"We shouldn't have attacked! I knew this would happen!" Multiple angry mer shouted. "Listen, we can..." But Haruto's voice wavered over the shouts of screaming mer in worry. Knowing he needed to get their attention, he took in a deep breath, and belted out a screech that was powerful that glasses were shattered from the strong sound waves.

Everyone paused after hearing the painstaking supersonic screech from Haruto. "Now that I have your attention again, they won't get far because I have a plan."

While Haruto was explaining and calming the crowd down, Amelia was dumbstruck at Haruto's ability. Was this part of his powers? Could other mer do what he just did? Thoughts swirled around and gave Amelia an idea of how to sway the ships and divers away.

"Then we should not take the arrival lightly. If what we hear is true, we will be ready to take position." Beluga stated supporting Haruto's idea. The mer then cheered with confidence that they could outsmart what was awaiting them.

"Haruto! Wait!" Amelia grabbed him by the arm as he walked off. "How did you do that?" Amelia asked. "Yeah, that was a bit extreme, but incredible." Lynae chimed in.

"Did what? Screech?" Haruto questioned as he was confused as what the girls were asking.

"Yeah, is that part of your abilities?" Amelia questioned more. "No, it's actually what every mer can do. You didn't know that?" Haruto chuckled in disbelief. "Well we weren't exactly mermaids as long as you were, you know," Lynae scoffed at him.

"Fair enough, what got you figuring into that ability? Did you thought of possibly using that to make the terra's ears bleed?" Haruto asked.

"Well, they do have sound detectors of some kind; I would imagine so it would be kind of dangerous to talk openly when they are nearby." Amelia pondered on possibilities to chase them off. Then an idea came to her. "Lynae, tell everyone not to say a word when the boats come. If they have anything to say, they can telepath me. Just tell them to reach out through their thoughts that's all they need to do to reach me." Amelia ordered. "On it," Lynae swam and told the other mer instructions for the incoming intruders.

"Nice, I feel much more comfortable knowing what we're going to do, and how you have the inside scoop ahead of us," Haruto said feeling relieved. "Don't count on a victory just yet, remember, I can't see everything, I'm not God," Amelia reminded him. "I know, but it helped get us prepared for what's to come. I'm sure Lynae also appreciates you helping her people out as well." Haruto said warmly.

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