Chapter 38 - Racing to Conclusions

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Chapter 38

Racing to Conclusions

Back in Oceanus swimming across the realm, Haruto, Meredith, and Ernest continued on their quest to help Haruto gain enough loyalty to be sworn to him. He spoke eloquently to several towns and villages in each of the districts which helped tremendously in persuading his people. However, it was only the beginning for Haruto as he would soon find out not everybody wished to believe nor submit to his rule.

"Natives of Oceanus, my name is Haruto Okamoto, I am the reincarnation of Scirocco, Prince of Wind and Change, advisor to the Coronum Reginae Cirra of Atlantica. I've come to restore peace in the realm of Oceanus." As he spoke regally, the mer chattered with one another in disbelief. "In order for this to take precedence, neighboring villages must come together to vote one mer to be a representative to the district. And furthermore, these mer laws will take place effective immediately. I also offer job positions as peace keepers. I understand currency is not stable at this time, and I am willing to offer other means of payment."

"You're nothing but a fraud! Scirocco has been dead for centuries!" A maiden cried out. Haruto just glared at her showing no malice or spite towards her words. "Suck on this, peace maker!" Another mer chucked a rock at him. As the rock flew, Haruto whistled and a water spout hurled at the rock driving it into another direction. He whistled some more bringing the water to restrain the rebels' hands that had rocks in their possession.

"Impossible," Another mermaid gasped. "I understand you are all scared, but mark my words, these raids, and the feeling where you can't help but sleep with one eye open at night will come to an end. I don't want you all to fear me because I have these powers. I don't want to use these powers to control you all. My vision for Oceanus is to bring back for what it was known for – as the realm of Peace and Prosperity. I know trusting what I say is easier said than done, but let me prove to you all that everything I say is true." Haruto concluded his speech to the scared mer as he released the ones with weapons from his aquatic bindings. They all dropped them simultaneously as they were free.

One merman slowly kneeled down in front of Haruto, and the rest followed suit. Meredith and Ernest stood there silently watching from the sidelines in amazement on how Haruto handled the situation with one of the group of villagers. He casually explained the mer that they reside in the Hesperian region, and they will need to collaborate with one another with names for the districts they reside in. Later on, everyone complied with his further instructions to them.

As the campaign to the Hesperian region came to a closing success despite a rocky start, Haruto, Meredith, and Ernest celebrate by dining at a nearby tavern. They paid their meals and drinks with silver and went on their way. "I can't believe it's been so long since I've had a meal I've grown up on." Ernest added on taking in the flavors of the delicacies they enjoyed. "Yes, I'd say it's been awhile for all of us," Haruto replied pausing for a brief moment looking at Meredith. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Did that drink have any fermentation?" Meredith asked holding her head. "No, it shouldn't why..." Ernest paused feeling a wave of dizziness hitting him. Haruto coughed unable to finish his thoughts, "You don't think maybe..." Meredith then collapsed on a bedded rocky hill. Ernest followed suit drifting unconscious. Haruto cursed at himself figuring the drinks were spiked but not knowing whether or not if it was lethal.

Haruto kneeled digging his nails into the rocky surface looking around. Before he blacked out, he saw four mer not able to determine if they were maidens or men. He then later deducted they were being followed and drugged so they could be kidnapped with ease.

Some time had passed and Haruto slowly began to wake up finding he was inside a dark, closed up room with a window too small to escape out of. He began listening into the mers' conversation as he began to come to. "Do you think the maiden's dead?" "Nah, he said it'll keep her out for a lot longer, maiden said she needs to stay unconscious no matter what. From the description she gave us, gods know what she's capable once she wakes up."

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