Chapter 37 - Horizons

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Chapter 37


As they approached the scene cautiously, Haruto looked Meredith into her eyes nodding in agreement for what they planned to do. Meredith approached them and whistled. "Beat it, missy, or you're next." The merman threatened. "If I had a doubloon for every time someone says that, I'd have me a chest full." She muttered rolling her eyes while holding her uniquely shaped weapon. "What'd you say?!"

Then she huffed out a breath saying non-enthusiastically, "You have caused trouble for far too long, prepare to see the wrath of Meredith, rightful heir and Shaasak of Samudra... ah screw it, I've done enough crusade speeches. Come at me, guppies!"

"You're all talk, now, where was I?" The merman turned his attention to the locals once more. "Hey! Don't you ignore me! Rrrah!" Meredith snapped back while whacking one of the mer with the mallet side of her weapon. She drifted about seven yards across the sandy floor. Then she flung another mer up in the sea with the hooked end grasping around their waist. She began spinning her weapon at another mermaid slamming the mallet on her fins pinning her down unable to move the surprisingly massive weapon off of her. Then she shouts, "Now, Haruto!"

He set his concentration on brewing up the perfect storm to blow the bandits away without dragging the locals along with them. He stretched out his hands with them curving the tips of his fingers. As he managed to summon two tornadoes at his beckoning, he drew his hands closer to condense it into one giant tornado. He then dragged his left hand out leaving his fingers curled up pushing the tornado onto the gang. Before they were blown away, Meredith swiftly grabbed her weapon from the mer's trapped fins. They then were sucked in the funnel of Haruto's whirlwind and were sent flying so many feet above the sea floor to the point they were not seen anymore in vision.

The locals looked at him with fearful looks into their eyes. They did not know what to think on whether he was an ally or another threat. They started backing away until an elderly merman appeared. "I remember you, you and your sister helped that family back in my village." He said pointing to Meredith.

She squinted and started gaining familiarity to the elder. "Aberdeen?" He nodded silently. "What are you doing here? Hikiana must be miles away from here." Meredith asked as she hugged the man. "You know this maiden?" A merman asked. "Of course, I wouldn't forget the maiden whom along with her sister saved my neighbors' lives along with scaring off that gang of bandits."

"What are you doing here?" Meredith asked once more. "I was on a trade route to bring supplies back to my village. I should be asking you this, Your Highness?" Everyone was baffled as he called her such a formal title. "I see that you made yourself a home in where you were destined to be from the looks of it," Aberdeen continued on as he pointed out her braids and her shark teeth necklace. "Yes, I have in a way, I've been away from Samudra for some duties in assisting the other reincarnates – including this one right here, reincarnate of Scirocco, princeps of wind and change and heir to Oceanus." Meredith said as she pointed towards Haruto.

"And you are certain he is the reincarnate of Scirocco?" Aberdeen asked in front of the villagers. "Affirmative, I have seen the more intense side of his powers. What he just did is just the surface of his capabilities. Aside from that, we have more pressing matters alongside with his claim to Oceanus."

"Why don't we speak into a more secluded area? The inn I am staying at has a room where we can speak in private." Haruto, Ernest, and Meredith followed Aberdeen in his direction while leaving the villagers in awe in what they witnessed today.

When they arrived, Meredith explained the reasoning for her return into Oceanus and the recent death of Elihu. Aberdeen listened keenly while serving them squid clustered into bite sized balls. Haruto spoke up as well explaining back to when he first met Amelia, their battle, the findings of blood drained bodies lying in random places, and the hunt for more clues to pin Allura to her involvement with them.

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