Chapter 27 - Samudra

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Chapter 27


The next morning came and was the time for Meredith and Ernest to go on their long journey to Samudra also known to be located in the Indian Ocean. Everyone came to say their goodbyes to the couple. "I made some meals that will last three days' time for each of you," Rimulus bowed handing the parcels filled with food to each Meredith and Ernest.

"Thank you, Rimulus. You be sure to take good care of Amelia, alright? And make sure she stays out of trouble," Meredith winks at him. "I will surely do my best, safe travels to both of you," Rimulus smiled.

Haruto eyed Meredith with a serious expression but then spoke with tenderness. "I'm sorry I couldn't get to know you much more having the connection we have with one another. Samudra will be in the best of hands handled by the strongest warrior I have had the opportunity to meet." Haruto kissed her hand in grace. Then, he directed his attention to Ernest, "Ernest, be sure to help out in any way you can for Her Highness. She may not need it physically, but emotionally, I'm sure she will need solemn advice close by. Watch over her for me in that regard."

"I will, Your Highness," Ernest bowed to him. Amelia then swam toward them smiling bright. "I've had a feeling you couldn't wait to see your kingdom, Meredith. I don't blame you for one second at this last-minute departure. May the tides course favorably throughout your voyage." Meredith then rushed to hug Amelia. "I love you, cous, I'll miss you," "You'll be back, I know you will." Amelia whispered to her ear as they are hugging tightly one another.

Amelia broke the hug and swam away leaving Lynae left to bid her farewell to her little sister and Ernest. She rushed to hug her and cried softly. "Now, sis, you said you weren't going to cry." "Shut up, I'm not crying," Lynae said in frustration and sadness. "I'll write to you when I get there." Meredith promised. "You better," Lynae said gripping at her sister tighter than ever. For a long moment more, the girls were in that embrace and parted afterwards.

"You ready to go?" Ernest asked Meredith not sure if he should say 'Her Highness' or call her by her name as she insisted.

"Yeah, I'll write to you guys when we make it there." Meredith said waving to the group. The group shouted goodbyes and farewells to the couple and they swam off exiting the Aula and headed East toward their destination.

While following a compass that Haruto gave them, Meredith spoke up, "Okay, confession time, I actually never been to Samudra before." Ernest's eyes widened. "What?" "I've been around Oceanus and that's about it. I'm from the far side of Oceanus far from Samudra."

"Anything else?" Ernest asked. "I lived in Hawaii majority of my life." Meredith confessed while not telling him she was not mer all of her life. "Okay, that kind of sets us back a little in getting to where we are going," Ernest shrugged it off. "Aren't you mad at me?" Meredith asked hesitantly. "You had your reasons why you kept it from me from which I can imagine why, but now you're here trying to make the seas a better place. Now it made sense why Haruto gave us this compass in the first place. Okay, we can settle this whole 'hiding truths' thing later, right now, we need to go East." Ernest explained that he wasn't mad and he was focused on wanting to get to Samudra.

"Wouldn't we need to go South?" Meredith asked. "We will, but we have a long way before we cross that bridge according to Haruto," Ernest declared. "Haruto knows a lot of things, doesn't he?" Meredith rolled her eyes. "Give the guy some credit, he's been nearly all around the seven seas at a young age. He may be smart, but he's resilient." Ernest said in his defense.

While they were swimming by the open waters, they noticed that there were more sharks lurking around the area. Ernest and Meredith grew cautious at the sight of the herd and decided to stay low to the sea floor. "That's a lot of sharks, there's no way we can fend them all off." Meredith pointed out. "I've heard from my father that Atlantica is known to draw sharks more to this part because it's the warmest ocean in the world and sharks thrive in that environment." Ernest whispered.

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