Chapter 34 - Lifeline

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Chapter 34


As Keanu held Amelia in his arms, he felt her forehead and it was burning worse than last night. "Crap, she's gonna die. Ima iku! Ima iku!" He shouted to Tsubasa to go right away, and he sped off. Some time later while they were midway into the Mediterranean, Amelia opened her eyelids slowly. "K-Keanu?" "Hang on tight, kid, we're gonna get you home, okay? Just stay with me." "K-Keanu..." Amelia tried speaking. "Yeah keep calling my name. I don't care what you say, just as long as you're with me, just keep talking."

"You...said..." Amelia paused. "Yeah what did I say? Finish your sentence for me, kid." "I...shouldn'" "Yeah funny what adults say in the past, now I'm telling you to talk. Ignore what I said before and do as I say what I'm telling you now." "You're....funny..." Amelia said weakly. "Yeah, yeah, we've established I'm funny. I say funny things, I'm funny looking, I'm funny everything. What else you got for me, kid?" Keanu rushed as he was making sure she was still conscious. "The....Aula..." "The what?" Keanu asked as if he misheard her. "The Aula...the castle..." "Oh yeah, the Aula, you like it? Well what is left of it at least?" Keanu asked hastily. "It's...restored..." "What?! Since when?!" Keanu looked at her as if she was delusional. "Six months... I live there..." "Okay, Okay, yeah sure, you live in the restored Aula. We'll get to the Aula." Keanu said in disbelief.

"Keanu..." "Ah what the hell?! Now I'm going mad!" Keanu shouted as he looked around. "You're not mad, my name is Allura, I'm speaking to you telepathically." Before he could speak, Amelia reached to him and spoke, "Allura...she's speaking to you..." "You know this chick?!" Keanu looked at her disturbingly. "She does indeed, listen, what she is saying about the Aula is true. She needs to be brought here as soon as possible." "Okay, okay, let me get this straight, this girl lives at the Aula like she's saying?!" Keanu asked. "I haven't got much time to explain but just go to the Aula and I will warn the others that you are coming. Don't rush through the channel ahead." "Wait, how the...? Hello? Hello?!" As he was speaking out loud, he was coming to the channel as Allura predicted.

While they were crossing through carefully, Keanu opened up once more. "So tell me, this Allura girl you know, is she psychic?" Amelia nodded. "We're gonna have a talk about all your weird little friends and who you really are when you get better, okay?" Keanu spoke in concern. She nodded. Some time later, they reached into the Atlantic. "Okay, kid, next stop, the Aula. Kid? Kid?" Keanu tried talking to her but she became unconscious. "No, no, no, you can't go to sleep now. Come on, kid, we're almost at the Aula." Keanu said as he placed his fingers on her pulse area. "Her pulse is weak, kya!"

The fish swam faster than ever racing to the Aula. Once there, the fish slowed down at the gates. "Okay, kid and Allura wasn't bluffing..." Keanu thought to himself. "Halt, state you name and business!" "I got a kid who's dying what more do you want from me? A maiden named Allura told me to come here to drop the kid off! If you don't let me in, she'll die!" "Not our problem, sir, if you don't have business with the Coronum Reginae that we were made aware of, then you best leave." "I'm not leaving until I see this chick Allura and to see that this kid gets medical attention! And you can tell Her Royal Highness to shove it up her ass if you don't let us in!"

"That's a threat to the crown! Seize him!" The guards came swimming down the high posts. When they got closer, they saw their queen laying in peril. "Get the adviser, open the gates!" "But sir.." Another guard questioned. "Open the bloody gates! Fetch Rimulus!" Another guard beside him spoke to Keanu, "You sir, are coming with us for questioning on why you had Coronum Reginae Amelia in your custody seriously ill."

"Wait, that girl I'm holding is the Queen?!" Keanu shouted in shock. "Bring the lad along, we must get Coronum Reginae to a bed immediately!" Rimulus lead the way. "Looks like we'll finish this conversation later," The guard rushed escorting Keanu and Amelia inside the walls of the Aula.

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