a late night message to those still awake

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yes, you, reading this!
you are worthy of so much love.
your past mistakes do not define you, we all have to power to grow and mature and learn.
we are all human!
apologize to those you've hurt, wether it be intentional or not, it makes all the difference to hear someone own up to the mistakes they've made.
it will lift a weight off of your shoulders as well as theirs.
take a moment to breathe, for everything will work out, life will go on.
people will come and go and those who are there for you will stick around.
focus on yourself, work on yourself and find peace with your body and mind.
nobody is worth your tears nor should any one person be your happiness, that leads to hurt in the end.
making someone your only source of happiness puts a burden on them and can create a toxic relationship as it carries on.
ok i'm rambling but,
you are loved, you are worthy, apologize, find peace in yourself.

a late night message to those still awake
11:22 pm
april 9th 2019

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