part 65; it's for you.

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you asked,
"why me?"
well, for one, you have the stardust.
the kind i ramble about trying to find,
the kind that came from the same star i did.
i can't recall if i've ever been certain about anyone, no matter the context.
but with you i'm certain,
that even though the love may not be romantic, even though it may not be the love you crave, it's the love i've felt most certain about.
to be specific,
it's the love i'm sure won't end.
it's the kind where we could be wrapped up in fuzzy blankets and have warm sugar cookies on a plate, half the plate resting on my legs and the other half resting on yours, and we could watch scary movies even though you hate them and would have to hold my hand the whole time.
it's the innocence and pure happiness that radiates from our interactions,
it's how you treat me like a human and gave me a chance.
it's when you let me ramble about how "madly in love" i am with my ex even though it probably pains you to hear, yet you're willing to listen.
it's when i get "mad" at you for winning at connect four but i immediately get over it bc i can't be mad at you.
you're a security blanket,
i know you'll never hurt me and i dare not try and hurt you either.
it's everything that makes up you,
you know who you are.
part 65; it's for you.

an ode to the loveless, these are for you. Where stories live. Discover now