you'll be alright

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its one of those nights where all your past mistakes, big or small, begin to rush through your brain and make you feel so horrible and stupid.
but you must remind yourself;
you are only growing and learning.
fuck ups happen, that's life.
you can't change the past, you can't undo what has been done. and that does take a bit to accept.
you just want to go back and undo it, but you can't.
you can't un-hurt someone or un-say something, what you are able to do though, is learn.
you can learn from what happened and grow and recognize if that situation begins to arise again and you can prevent it from happening.
the most important thing you can do to heal yourself and those you've hurt is to recognize what you did, take full responsibility for your faults, apologize, and prevent it from happening again and helping others not fall into the same situation.
as long as you grow, mature, help others, and learn from your experiences,
you'll be alright.

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