i do

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there's a few things i excel at, such as science and history.
there's a few things i'm good at, such as acting and art.

but there's many things i'm bad, even horrible at,
and one of those is love.

i used to think it was my thing, i was the flirt of the group.
but it never really was.
i don't see myself getting married, or having children.
i can't see myself in a wedding dress and saying
"i do" to anyone.

you said "that's a sad existence",
but can you see yourself in those positions?

you can't, right?
love is nothing but an illusion,
a mix of chemicals in the brain that stem from the primal need to reproduce with a healthy and worthy spouse.
that's it.
we evolved a certain way and now we're here and often times i wonder what's the point of humans even doing the things we do.
why do we all collectively head bang at a heavy mental concert,
or want to wear the same brand of clothing as others.

nothing has any point and it's all bound to fail but no matter how much i think these things and no matter how many raindrops i feel hit my skin while waiting to cross the street,
i never feel real.

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