silence is the real oppressor

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i think i will forever remain angry at the world,
at people.
for how cruel we can all be.
how ignorant the human race is,
we deserve whatever is coming our way.
for all of the injustices;
-the holocaust
-the imperialism of Africa and India
-the mass genocides of Native Americans that continues to happen to this day that no one mentions
i think i will forever remain bitter for the small cruelty's that so often slip under the rug in everyone's minds.
-rapists that never get prosecuted,
-warning signs of suicide that no one ever sees
and so many time have i been told;
"you can't legalize morality"
but for one, i think we can.
if we can force a woman to carry a baby she doesn't want we can force everyone to be good people,
though it should just come naturally.
why choose to be a bad person?
that's never made any sense to me.
how can you be just,
so cruel?
so unjust?

never stay silent

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