After months of staying up until dawn, talking on the phone all night, the two grew closer than anyone had ever imagined. Amy had grown closer to Aj than she thought she would and grew apart from her friends, who completly disapproved of the two being friends. Every thing Amy would talk about, Aj's name was mentioned in the beginning. Amy's friends grew tired of hearing her talk on and on about her liking Aj or her wanting him to ask her to be his girlfriend. After pushing through each conversation with Amy, her friends pulled Aj aside in class, a day she was out sick from school, and told him everything she had been saying about him.
Aj couldn't believe he wasn't dreaming that day her friends had told him everything. Now, he cant stand to be one inch away from her. He knew what he wanted and wasn't going to let anything get in the way of that. After school one day, Amy began texting Aj as usual, but today, he didn't seem enthusiastic. She constantly asked him why he was so upset when she finally changed the subject. They were now talking about their friendship, and Amy could help but notice how each text one another sent contained fewer and fewer words. It wasn't long before Amy decided to take a stand and say that she wanted to be his girl friend and asked him to be her boyfriend.
Aj could do nothing but stare in disbelief at the text, with a face as red as a bleeding cherry. He stayed this way for a mere twenty minutes and with every minute he waited to respond, Amy became impatient. Her impatience finally took over and she demanded he answer. He said yes. Amy's heart jumped for joy, for she knew that she hasn't been this happy in the longest time.
After silly school years of sitting next to each other at lunch, doing science projects together, and simply walking each other to class, Amy got to thinking that something was terribly wrong in their relationship. They didn't hold hands, they didn't flirt with each other and the most important to her, they never even kissed. The two were happy, but neither could find it in themselves to act as a couple, making it difficult, but they somehow found a way until they could both come out of there mysterious cages of shyness.
Time had flown and soon enough, graduation rolled around. They walked across the stage, one by one. Soon enough, you heard the announcer call Aj's name, then, the next thing you know, Amy is following closly behind. Aj and Amy, for the first time, walked hand in hand across the stage, being labled the 'cutest couple' since 1984.
As the years progresses, the young couple had the ups and downs that every couple was expected to have. Everything was perfectly normal, through the walks in the park, the picnics on the beach and the simple movie-dinner nights. Although the two were as happy as can be, Amy knew that their relationship wasn't going to be like this forever. They went on like this until the day came when Aj made a decition that would immediatly change everything.
Amy knew, in all the years that they've been together, from the day she met Aj, that he wanted to be a marine. Now, four years after their graduation ceremony, Aj asked her to a dinner date at none other than Olive Garden. When the couple sat down at their table, Aj didn't waste any time before telling Amy that he had important news for her, little did he know that she already knew what was about to be said. Out of everything that Aj could have told Amy, she was right. Aj went on to explain that he had been accepted to the First Recon Marine Sniper Unit, which would ensure his destiny to go into combat. Not only this, but this also meant that he would be shipping from She knew that this was what he had wanted for nearly his whole life. She also knew that she wouldn't be ale to convince him into not going. She wanted so much as for him to not go, yet she didn't want to hold him back from the dreams he has had for the longest of times.
Amy may had been right about the news Aj had for her, but she had little a clue what was about to happen next that would make her cry tears of only water and joy . . .