Chapter TwentyTwo: Michael's past

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-Harper's POV-

It was around 5am when I woke to the sound of crying.... Michaels crying. "Babe?" I asked, climbing out of bed and looking over the edge of Michael's bunk. "Mikey? Babe please answer me." I said, gently kissing him. "Ha.... Harper....." He mumbled, slightly waking up. "Shush... Im here baby. What's wrong?" I asked.

|Flashback- Michael's POV|

"NO-ONE LOVES YOU MICHAEL!!!! Why don't you just leave!!!" Mum shouted at me. I was only 7.... My father had just died and my mum had become more horrible then before.... "Im sorry!" I shouted. Everything was going wrong! Then the unspeakable happened..... My mum slapped me.... I ran upstairs, tears threating to fall.

|End of flashback|

-Michael's POV-

After I had explained my past to Harper, I broke down in tears once again. Then I heard Luke shouting. "Michael!!!! Keep it down!!!! Some of us are trying to sleep." Luke said. "Dude... Your a vampire you don't sleep!" Harper laughed. I chuckled. "Ahhh.... Harper..." I said, trying to keep my laughter under control. Then something happened, something that's happened before. I needed to feed but the only human with us was Paige! I couldn't feed on her! "Ha... Harper.... I need to feed..." I stuttered. She nodded and we sped off to find someone. (It's been 1 1/2 so Harper's now drinking human blood.) We searched for 20 minutes then I found the perfect victum. I pulled Harper into a bush. "There." I said. She looked over at the girl. "That's my worst enemy from school, Hannah Smith, let's get her." Harper said ,speeding towards Hannah. "Ha... Harper? What are you doing?" Hannah stumbled over her words. She nodded at me and i sped over. "Well, well, well you must be Hannah." I smirked, fangs escaping their hiding place. "This will only hurt... A lot." Harper said, sinking her once gleaming fangs into Hannah's pale skin. I couldn't control it. I also sunk my fangs in.

|After Hannahs been drained|

The body of Hannah lay motionless underneath us. "Right lets go back to the bus." I said, grabbing Harper's hand and speeding away.

|A/N| hey!!!! So new chapter!! Hope you enjoyed! Oh and this book is getting more popular 2.01K reads! Whoa!! Thank you

-Charley ❤️❤️

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