Chapter 4 - Blood Ties

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3rd Person POV

Rip drives the car while Sara and Blake sit in the back seat.

"Ah, Mr. Blake. Welcome." A guard says and then he looks over at Sara. "I take it Mrs. Blake is out of town?"

"That's a very pointed observation." Blake says.

The guard lets the car continue and Rip drives to the parking garage.

Rip opens up the trunk and Brooklyn sits up.

"Next time, someone else is riding in the trunk." Brooklyn says, smoothing out her dress and leggings.

"Well, we have character identity's to keep and you refuse to dress like you're from 1975 because you want to wear your hood." Rip says. "Now, can you please leave it in the car because we're going in the building."

"Why can't I wear it?" Brooklyn asks.

"Because you'll look suspicious and stand out." Rip says.

"I'm a 19-year-old girl going into a fancy party." Brooklyn says. "I'll stand out either way."

"I let you wear the jacket on the car ride here now take it off. And you have to leave the bow." Rip tells her.

"Are you really arguing with her?" Sara asks Rip, laughing slightly. Blake stands next to her.

Brooklyn takes her bow and quiver off and then her jacket off and hands it to Rip. Rip helps Brooklyn climb out.

"If you're going to find the vessel, you'll need my help." Blake says.

"No, I think we're quite good without it."Rip says. "Sara."

Sara punches Blake in the head and they throw him in the trunk.

Rip throws Brooklyn's jacket in the back seat and the three walk into the building.

"Maybe we should have had Blake show us around." Sara says, looking around.

"Hm. Perhaps there's a less conspicuous way for us to do reconnaissance." Rip says. "May I?" He asks, putting his hand out for Sara.

"I'm not much of a dancer." Sara tells him.

"I'll lead, then." Rip says. "Brooklyn, stay out of trouble."

Rip pulls Sara to the dance floor and they dance.

Brooklyn watches them dance and then looks at the table.

"No..." Brooklyn whispers. Someone had left a glass of some alcoholic drink right next to a few pills, probably pain pills.

Brooklyn quickly turns around and tries to reach for her hood but it's not there.

"Ugh, my hood." Brooklyn mutters.

Brooklyn turns back to the table and sees the drink and pills again. She starts tapping her fingers on the table.

"I gotta get out of here." She mutters.

Brooklyn speed walks to the door, bumping into two men in suits once she reaches the door. They grab her arms and pull her out into the hallway.

"Hey, let go of me." Brooklyn struggles in their grasp. They carry her by her arms down the hallway and throw her in a room. Brooklyn jumps up and runs to the door but it closes and she bumps into it. Brooklyn hears the door click lock.

"No!" Brooklyn exclaims, pounding on the door.

When it's clear she can't get through the door, Brooklyn looks around the room. Then she sees something that makes her gasp, Carter's body.

Brooklyn Archer //Book One// - Legends of Tomorrow - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now