Chapter 8 - Fail-Safe

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3rd Person POV

Rip drives a truck as Sara, Snart, and Brooklyn sit in the back.

As the truck rolls by the gate, the three jump out and run to crouch by the gate.

"Remember, we get Stein first." Sara tells the other two.

"And if the plan fails, you'll kill him." Snart says. "You want my advice?"

"No." Sara says.

"Don't use your gun. Do it with your hands." Snart says. "Do it while you're looking right into Stein's eyes."

"You're talking about a member of our team." Sara says.

"I just don't want you to forget who we're talking about." Snart says.

Brooklyn opens the gate and the three run through.

Sara jumps on a gurney and Brooklyn throws a sheet over her. Snart puts a guard uniform on.

"Here." Snarts says, handing Brooklyn a uniform.

"I don't need it." Brooklyn says.

"What're you going to do if we get caught?" Snart asks.

"I'll handle it. Let's just hope we don't." Brooklyn says.

Snart starts pushing the gurney down the hallway and Brooklyn walks next to him.

"So how does it feel to be dead again?" Snart asks.

"Take the next left." Sara says.

They get stopped by a guard.

"You can't be down here, comrade." The guard says.

"I was ordered to take this corpse to the incinerator." Snart says. The guard is about to lift up the sheet.

"Я бы не стал этого делать на твоем месте." (I wouldn't do that if I were you.) Brooklyn says.

"Dr. Vostok used him for one of her smallpox weapons trials." Snart supplies. "Highly contagious."

Snart and Brooklyn see Rory.

The gurney stops and Sara gets up.

"All right, this duct should take us to solitary." Sara says. "We get to Stein--"

"Yeah, I'm not going." Snart cuts her off.

"That's the plan." Brooklyn says.

"That's Rip's plan." Snart says. "My priority is Mick."

"Fine. Forget it. So much for your code, crook." Sara says.

"Anytime, assassin." Snart says. Sara goes over to the ducts and climbs in. "Junkie." Snart nods to Brooklyn before he leaves.

Brooklyn pulls herself into the ducts.

Sara and Brooklyn climb through the vents.

"Sara, wait." Brooklyn whispers. She stops above a hallway where Stein and a team of guards are walking.

"You mentioned the Quantum Splicer earlier, Professor." A woman says. "Your friends are counting on you to make the right decision."

"We have eyes on Stein." Sara says through her comms.

"The future is cementing." Rip says. "You must extract Stein before he enters the lab!"

"Brooklyn, get ready to drop down." Sara says.

The two girls drop down and then start running after the group, Sara in front.

Sara throws a knife at one of the guards and he drops, Brooklyn nocks an arrow and drops two more.

Brooklyn Archer //Book One// - Legends of Tomorrow - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now