Chapter 21 - Last Refuge

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3rd Person POV

Jax, Sara, and Brooklyn are inside a burning house -- young Mick's burning house.

There was no sign of young Mick, however.

They're running through the house, trying to get out before all their oxygen is gone.

Brooklyn stumbles to the ground, falling to her knees.

Jax grabs her and pulls her up.

Jax pulls the mask away from his mouth

"Where's your mask?" Jax asks loudly over the sounds of fire and sirens.

"I...I" Brooklyn wheezes out.

Jax puts his mask over Brooklyn's mouth and nose so she can, hopefully, breathe.

Jax puts an arm under Brooklyn and supports her weight, running out of the house behind Sara.

They emerge from the burning house.

Jax grabs his phone and calls Rip

"Young Rory's not in there." Sara says.

"But we found his parents." Jax says through the phone. "They're dead."

"Then where the hell is he?" Sara asks.


They eventually saved young Mick

Jax, Brooklyn, and Mick are in the cargo bay.

Young Mick paces back and forth, calmly looking around.

"That's younger you?" Jax asks Mick.

"What'd you tell him?" Mick asks

"That we work for a secret agency called A.R.G.U.S." Jax says. "I think he bought it."

"Course he did." Mick says. "He's an idiot."

Mick is about to leave.

"Hey, no offense, but do you really think it's a good idea to leave him unsupervised?" Jax asks.

"You're right." Micks says. "Have fun."

"Wait!" Brooklyn stops him. "You expect us to watch him?"

"Sure." Mick mocks her. "You can play house. You be the mom and Jax can be the dad. See ya."

Brooklyn blushes at this comment and out of the corner of her eye, she can see Jax blush too.


"I put her in the cargo bay with mini you, told them both to stay put." Sara says, walking in to the main room after leaving younger Sara in the cargo bay. "The less they know what's going on, the better."

"You sure you want to leave daddy's little girl with that punk?" Mick asks.

"Even before the League of Assassins, I knew how to handle guys like you." Sara says.

"Has Gideon figured out the Pilgrim's next target yet?" Jax asks.

"That's peculiar." Rip states.

"Peculiar or bad?" Kendra asks

"Gideon, run another scan for the whereabouts of the Pilgrim." Gideon says.

"I'm sorry, sir." Gideon says. "The timeline shows no temporal distortions. I seem to be unable to track the Pilgrim."

"That doesn't sound good." Ray says

"No, it's quite the opposite." Rip says. "Without a way to track the whereabouts of the Pilgrim, she could target any one of you at any point in time."

Brooklyn Archer //Book One// - Legends of Tomorrow - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now