Chapter 29 - Legendary

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3rd Person POV

The waverider lands

The crew walks's 2016

"What are we doing back here?" Mick asks

"Savage has a timeship, courtesy of the Time Masters." Rip says. "The timeline is unclear, due to our destruction of the Oculus, meaning..."

"Savage is lost to history." Stein finishes for him

"Which is why I brought you all home." Rip says

"Mission's not over, man." Jax says

"Jax is right." Ray says. "We've lost Savage before. We'll find him again."

"And then what?" Rip asks. "We have no way of killing Savage, particularly now that Kendra and Carter are in his possession, assuming that they're still alive, which is highly unlikely."

"So that's it?" Ray asks. "We're we're just giving up?"

"I'm on my way to the refuge to retrieve our younger selves and return them to the timeline." Rip says. "It will be as if you never left."

"What, you think that we can just return to our old lives, and then pretend like none of this ever happened?" Sara asks

"Mm, that might be a tad difficult." Rip says. "So I had to bring you back to May 2016, not January 2016."

"Great, so what you're saying is for the last five months, my mom probably thinks that I'm dead." Jax says. "Thanks a lot, man."

"Okay, wait, why? Why the change of plans, Rip?" Sara asks

"If you're getting back on that ship, we get back on that ship." Mick says, poking Rip. However, Rip's a hologram

"In truth, I never left it." Rip says

The waverider takes off

"I'm sorry for all that I've asked of you, and that it all came to nothing." Hologram Rip says. "I wish you all well." He disappears

The waverider leaves

"I never liked that guy." Mick growls at the disappearing ship


Brooklyn and Jax walk into an auto shop

They walk around a few cars and get to the cashier's counter

"Ma!" Jax exclaims, running forwards and hugging his mother

"Oh, Jax!" His mother exclaims, holding him tightly

His mother pulls away, tears of joy in her eyes

Brooklyn stands there, watching the interaction between the two

"Where were you?" His mother rambles. "I thought...well I didn't want to think...but baby it's been 5 months, where have you..." His mother trails off on seeing Brooklyn

Jax looks back

"Ma, this is Brooklyn, my girlfriend." Jax introduces, pulling Brooklyn forwards

"Nice to meet you." Brooklyn says, putting her hand out

Jax's mother pulls Brooklyn in for a hug

Brooklyn looks to Jax, who smiles and shrugs

Jax's mother then pulls away, holding Brooklyn by her shoulders

"Oh, you're gorgeous." His mother says.

"Thank you." Brooklyn says

"Has Jax been treating you right?" His mother asks, touching Brooklyn's cheek. "Oh, dear, you're a little warm..." His mother grabs her hands and looks her up and down, "And you do look a little thin. Come and have lunch with us -- I'll take the rest of the day off."

Brooklyn Archer //Book One// - Legends of Tomorrow - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now