Chapter 22 - Last Refuge

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Back on the Waverider.

Brooklyn is still in the medbay chair. Ray had made a recovery and went to go find kendra.

Jax is still standing next to Brooklyn.

Nothing has changed yet.

No sign of a heartbeat or anything.

"Please be okay." Jax tells her. "Don't give up on me."

Rip runs in with an unconscious Young Brooke in his hands followed by Sara.

"Gideon, monitor Young Brooklyn's vitals. She's gone unconscious again and she's not waking up." Rip orders.

Rip puts the 10 year old in the chair next to Brooklyn's and hooks up a wire.

The monitor shows young Brooke's vitals.

"It appears she is just unconscious." Gideon says. "Most likely, she passed out from shock."

"So why isn't our Brooklyn waking up then?" Jax asks.

Rip and Sara turn to Brooklyn.

"Gideon!" Rip calls out.

"I detect no heartbeat. Mr. Jackson, I suggest stepping back." Gideon says.

Jax backs up from Brooklyn.

A pulse goes through the chair and Brooklyn is shocked. Her body jumps slightly.

No response.

"Trying again." Gideon narrates.

"Come on, Brooklyn." Jax whispers.

A pulse goes through the chair again and Brooklyn is shocked. She lurches her body forward, gasping in air. The heart rate monitor lights up with a pulse.

Brooklyn breathes heavily, sitting up.

Sara runs forwards and hugs Brooklyn.

"Gideon, report." Rip says, putting a hand on Brooklyn's shoulder and smiling.

"She was clinically deceased for 46 minutes."Gideon says.

"That...friggin...sucked." Brooklyn says though gasps of air.

Sara pulls away from Brooklyn

"Yeah, well, dying normally does." Sara says with a smile.

Brooklyn lets out a small laugh with her heavy breathing.

She then looks over to Jax and smiles.

Then, she looks over and sees her younger self.

"What's she doing here?" Brooklyn asks, almost with disgust.

"We saved her." Sara says.

"I don't want her here." Brooklyn says.

"Well, the Pilgrim attacked your younger self." Rip says, looking at young Brooke. Then he looks back at Brooklyn. "With drugs."

"Oh, jesus." Brooklyn groans, putting her head in her hands and laying back on the chair. She sighs and then sits up. "Can I talk with Sara alone?"

"Yes." Rip says.

Rip and Jax walk out of the room.

Brooklyn removes her hands and sits up.

"What do I do?" She asks, looking at Sara.

"I...I don't know what you're talking about." Sara says.

"Felicity said you'd look out for me." Brooklyn says. "Now's the time. I can feel that not all the drugs are out of my system yet. Which means it's only a matter of time before my urges start."

Brooklyn Archer //Book One// - Legends of Tomorrow - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now