Chapter 19 - The Magnificent Nine

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"Aah!" Rip exclaims, jumping up after the waverider landed. "It's been quite a while since I time-jumped far enough to experience side effects. Fond memories."

Brooklyn squeezes her eyes closed and tries to take deep breaths, hoping to get rid of the nausea that settled in her stomach.

"I can't feel my face." Jax says.

"Fine feel I." Snart says.

"Linguistic dysplasia, that should pass shortly." Rip says.

"Better it now." Snart says.

"Am I the only one who can't feel their face?" Jax asks.

Jax looks to Brooklyn.

"Are you okay?" Jax asks.

"Just trying not to puke..." Brooklyn says slowly, taking in another deep breath. "Nope." She says. She springs up and runs for the trashcan, emptying her stomach.

"I can't feel my... I better not say." Ray says.

"Mr. Rory appears unaffected." Stein says.

"What's going on? We time-jump?" Mick asks.

"Yeah, we time-jumped." Sara says. "But 'where to?' is the better question."

"The town of Salvation, the Dakota territory, 1871." Rip says.

"I can't believe it the Old West." Ray says.

"This isn't going to work." Mick says.

"It'll buy us time." Rip says. "We can hide out here while the Hunters search the other Fragmentations."

"What if they decide to check this place first?" Mick asks

"You know, feel free to loop us in whenever it's convenient." Kendra says.

"As you've seen, time doesn't operate as is generally thought." Rip says. "It wants to happen.

It takes time to harden. The the timeline is unclear on occasion, constantly in flux."

"Hence the difficulty in locating Savage throughout history." Stein puts together

"Indeed." Rip says. "And one of the other interesting notions of time travel is the existence of Fragmentations."

"Temporal blind spots, specific places and times the Time Masters can't see." Mick says.

"The town of Salvation and its surrounding environs are located within one of these Fragmentations." Rip says.

"So, basically, we're hiding out in the Old West and hoping your boogeymen don't find us here." Snart says

"The Hunters are not boogeymen." Mick says. "And you better hope they don't find us."

"Well, at least not until I get a chance to 'punch a few doggies' or 'bust a bronco' or two." Ray says weirdly. "Not that I condone animal cruelty. It's just that I watched a lot of Westerns as a kid."

"Alas, you'll have to enjoy the Old West from in here, I'm afraid." Rip says.

"Oh, come on." Sara complains. "What's the harm in us just taking a look around?"

"With this group? Clearly, you haven't been paying attention." Stein says

"Ugh, if I'm in the Old West and I don't get to look around, I'm going to kick myself." Ray says

"I could help with that." Snart tells him

"I'll keep an eye on them." Mick tells Rip. "Don't worry. I'll be a good boy."

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