Chapter 10 - Star City 2046

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3rd Person POV

The four get back on the waverider.

"Where's Mr. Rory?" Stein asks.

"Sleeping it off." Snart says.

"We have the Neuromorphic Prototype." Rip says. "Any luck with the ship's engines?"

"Yeah, it's all good." Jax says.

Sara storms to the center of the bridge. Brooklyn stands glaring at Rip with her arms crossed.

"Is there something wrong, Ms. Lance and Ms Cooper?" Stein asks.

"Well, all my friends and family are dead, except for Oliver Queen, who happens to be dead inside and missing his left arm." Sara says.

"Sara, I have told you--" Rip tries.

"That this is just a potential future and that it's all gonna go back when we return to 2016... if we return. But what if we don't?" Sara asks. "We all know Carter's not coming back. It's not like we have the safest line of work."

"I think if Sara wants to stay and help that then we should." Jax says. "I mean, that's what we signed up for: to be heroes."

"I agree with Jefferson." Stein says.

"Yes, of course you both do, because neither of you understand the pitfalls of changing the timeline." Rip says. "Meddling with the future is arguably more dangerous than changing the past, because it is still in flux."

"Your wife and son's death are in the future. You want us to change that." Sara says.

"Don't play that card with me." Rip growls.

"So what? Are you only willing to risk the timeline if it's your own family?" Sara asks him.

"I am not just trying to save my family and I'm not just trying to save one city, but the entire world!" Rip yells. "I'm not the one being selfish."

"Go to hell." Brooklyn says.

"Most likely--" Rip says.

"I never wanted to be a hero and now I want to save someone and you're not letting me." Brooklyn argues.

"If you and Sara want to go and save Mr. Hawke, then be my guest. I'll keep the ship here for one hour, then we're leaving. With you both on board or without." Rip says.

Sara and Brooklyn walk out.


Sara and Brooklyn walk into the arrow cave.

"Oliver." Sara calls.

"Ollie!" Brooklyn calls.

"Thought I told you to go." Oliver says, stepping into the light.

"Grant Wilson has Connor." Sara explains. "They're gonna kill him."

"He knew what he was signing up for and you know there's nothing I can do to help him." Oliver says.

"No frickin' way." Brooklyn says. "Buck up and strap on a pair cause that's not the Oliver Queen that I know."

"Maybe I'm not that person anymore." Oliver says. "Look at me, I'm literally half the man I used to be."

"Then that's the half this city needs." Sara says. "He's got too many men, Ollie. Brooklyn and I can't do this alone."

"What about your friends?" Oliver asks.

"We're AWOL." Brooklyn says.

"We're on our own... unless we're not." Sara tries to persuade. Sara grabs a bow from her bag.

Brooklyn Archer //Book One// - Legends of Tomorrow - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now