Chapter 20 - The Magnificent Nine

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3rd Person POV

"I wonder why she lives alone all the way out here." Kendra says, walking forwards towards the single hut.

"Maybe she doesn't like people." Brooklyn says, hoping off of Sara's horse.

"Or maybe because I value my privacy!" A woman yells, holding a huge gun at the three.

Brooklyn puts her hands up in surrender.

"Wait, wait, wait." Kendra says. "Don't you remember me from the saloon back in Salvation?"

"I remembered you, you wigged-out little girl." The woman says. "If I'd wanted to talk to you then, I would have talked to you then. I ain't fixing to talk to you now. Now, get off of my land!"

"Listen, we're not trying to start any trouble." Sara says

"Do you want that pretty little mouth of yours filled with lead?" The woman asks.

"Your friend has a colorful personality." Sara tells Kendra.

Kendra slowly walks towards the woman.

"I ain't got friends." The woman says. I keep to myself.

"She's right." Kendra says. "She wasn't my friend. I was her."



Brooklyn and the others sit around a fire outside when the woman brings a drawing over to Kendra.

"We sat for that picture at the county fair, 1830." The woman says. "He looked like such a gentleman."

"What was his name?" Kendra asks.

"Hannibal. Hannibal Hawkes." The woman says.

"And what happened?" Kendra asks.

"Was it Savage?" Sara asks and the woman nods.

Kendra points to the drawing of a bracelet.

"What is this?" Kendra asks. "It looks familiar."

"That was ours in our first life." The woman says.

"I remember." Kendra whispers

"We crossed with Savage in Jefferson City." The woman says. "He had it with him. We escaped with it and our lives."

"Do you still have it?" Kendra asks.

"We lost it to bandits about a year later." The woman says. "We heard that the Pinkertons were after the same bandits, but we just..."

"Hey." Sara says to Kendra. "What is it?"

"Objects present at the moment of my-- our first death can be used to kill Savage." Kendra says. "So, if I can get my hands on that bracelet, then--"

"You're going to try to kill Savage with a bracelet?" The woman asks. "You need to stop."

"Stop what?" Kendra asks.

"Fighting our destiny." The woman says. "Ain't destiny what brought you here?"

"What part of destiny is she fighting?" Sara asks.

"All of it." The woman says. "We get reborn. We find Hannibal Carter then Savage finds us, and then we die. That's that's the way it is. It's the way it's always gonna be."

"I don't believe that." Kendra says.

"Well, I have a few more years on you. You can't break the cycle. That's why I live out here, alone."

Brooklyn Archer //Book One// - Legends of Tomorrow - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now