Chapter 27 - Destiny

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"And because if you don't follow me, this is what is in store for your world 150 years from now." Rip shows the group the burned world hologram. "I could have chosen any time and any place. Of all the people who ever lived, I chose you eight. I certainly hope that you won't let me, and the world, down. If your answer is yes, meet me at this address in 36 hours." He hands Stein a paper.

Rip leaves the roof

"So what do you think?" Ray asks

"I think that's five minutes of my life I'm not getting back." Snart says

"He just showed us the entire world in flames." Stein says. "You can't turn your back on that."

"Observe." Snart says, turning around and leaving, Mick going with him

"Well, I think we can all agree that the mission will go a whole lot better without those two." Ray says

"I never said I'd do this." Brooklyn speaks up

"I haven't signed on yet." Sara says

"And I'm not signing on at all." Jax says, starting to leave

"Jefferson—" Stein tries

"No." Jax says, stopping. "I'm not going off to die in some apocalyptic future. I'm staying right here in the present."

Jax leaves

"Let me talk to him." Stein says, leaving after him

"Brooklyn?" Sara asks

"I dunno... " Brooklyn says, looking between her and Ray nervously and backing up

Then, she turns and runs away


Snart pops his head up from the vent system

He helps Sara up and then Brooklyn. But he doesn't let go of Brooklyn's wrists, he holds them together with one hand

"Let go of me." Brooklyn says, trying to pull away

"I can't." Snart says. "Per Sara's request."

Brooklyn looks at Sara

"Are you kidding me?" Brooklyn asks

"You, we just saw you with pills in your hands." Sara says. "And you, how did you even know that was down there?"

"When Rip first recruited us, I made it my business to case every square inch of this tub in the event there was something worth stealing." Snart says. "There wasn't. Let's get out of here."

"Wait, what about the team?" Sara says

"There's nothing more we can do for them." Snart says

"You're just gonna leave Mick?" Sara asks

"If the Time Masters are half as twisted as Mick said, there's an excellent chance Mick is no longer Mick." Snart says. "Now why aren't we flying yet?"

"Because I'm not going anywhere." Sara says. "And even if we wanted to, we're in a hangar surrounded by an entire armada of timeships."

"It's the Waverider." Snart says. "We've got guns. We can blast our way out."

"This isn't Bonnie and Clyde." Sara tells him "And I'm not going anywhere without the rest of the team."

Snart lets go of Brooklyn's wrists and pulls a gun to Sara's head

Brooklyn Archer //Book One// - Legends of Tomorrow - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now