Chapter 11 - Marooned

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3rd Person POV

Brooklyn was sitting with her back to a crate, adjusting her bow when Rory's knife landed a centimeter above her head.

"I'm done." Rory says, taking his knife out, angrily.

"Ignore him." Snart says, playing cards with Sara.

"Ignore him?" Brooklyn asks. "He almost took my head off!"

"He's just sore about having to leave 2046." Snart says.

"I'm sore because I was recruited for my unique ability to light things on fire." Rory says. "And now, I'm locked in the one place where I can't light things on fire: a spaceship." He starts walking out.

"Where do you think you're going?" Snart asks, stopping him.

"Why?" Rory asks. "You gonna clock me in the head if I don't listen again?" He walks out.

"Everything okay with you two?" Sara asks Snart.

"Yeah, peachy." Snart says.


"Systemic malfunction. I'm stranded, unable to jump. Controls unresponsive. This is Captain Eve Baxter of the timeship Acheron, requesting critical rescue!" A woman, Eve Baxter, says through a video message.

"And we care about this chick why?" Rory asks.

"We don't, but the Acheron's computer will contain the current intel on Savage's whereabouts. Gideon, set a course for the Acheron's position in deep space." Rip says.

"Yes, Captain." Gideon says.

"Deep space?" Stein asks. "I had no idea we had the ability to explore the unknown realms of the galaxy. Astonishing."

"No. What's astonishing is that we're acting as roadside assistance for the people who's chasing us." Jax says.

"Doesn't it seem suspicious, this distress call just happened to reach us?" Snart asks.

"How do we know it's not a trap?" Brooklyn asks.

"We don't, but what we do know is that Savage's trail has run cold." Rip says. "And unless Gideon can upload the data from the Acheron's computer..."

"I'm in." Rory states.

"You are?" Snart asks.

"The sooner we end Savage, the sooner I get back to where I belong." Rory says.

"Prison?" Stein asks.

"Any prison on Earth's better than this one, Professor." Rory says.

"Gideon." Rip says, sitting down in his seat.

"Yes, sir." Gideon says.

Everyone starts taking their seats.

"Engines to full throttle." Rip says.

"Of course, Captain." Gideon says.

The waverider takes off.

The waverider settles in deep space. Brooklyn stays in her seat. A few stand and others sit.

"Professor Stein, Mr. Jackson, would you care to join the boarding party?" Rip asks.

"A chance for an extra-vehicular docking maneuver?" Stein asks. "What could be more exciting?"

"Well, I could think of a few things." Jax says.

"Let's get this thing started." Rory says.

Brooklyn Archer //Book One// - Legends of Tomorrow - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now