Chapter 7 - Fail-Safe

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3rd Person POV

"Labor Camp Number 54... Formerly known as the Koshmar or Nightmare gulag." Gideon says. "Built in the 18th century--"

"Can we skip past the Wikipedia crap and get to the good stuff, like how to break in?" Snart asks, cutting Gideon off.

Gideon is silent.

"Perhaps you didn't register that as a question, Gideon." Sara says.

"I understood, but in its 200 years of operation, no one has successfully escaped from--" Gideon starts again but then gets cut off.

"No offense, Gideon, but I never met a building I couldn't break into." Snart says.

"Well, I hope you're right." Rip says. "Savage knows that Stein created Firestorm, but if he finds out that he is Firestorm--"

"Always Savage with you, isn't it?" Snart asks. "My partner's in prison too."

"And Ray." Brooklyn says.

"Yeah, whatever. The point is you didn't lift a finger." Snart says.

"You know damn well it was never my intention to get them thrown into a gulag, but I had no other option." Rip says. "Besides, I doubt that it's Mr. Rory's first time in prison or second or, I imagine, tenth."

"All right, arguing is not gonna bring the team back any faster." Sara says. "And Rip's right. Criminals usually do feel more at home in prison, and they know it better than anyone else."

"So?" Snart asks.

"So what if the key to breaking in is asking someone who's been in and out of Soviet prisons their whole life?" Sara asks.

"And who might that be?" Rip asks.

"Well it isn't me." Brooklyn defends.

"Are you familiar with the Bratva?" Sara asks.

"Ooh, the Russian Mob?" Snart asks.

"In 1986, they would have ruled the criminal underground inside every prison." Snart says.


"Alright, ready, Brooklyn?" Sara asks from outside the door.

The two girls stand in the hallway, about to bust into a room full of men they had to take down. Brooklyn adjusts her bow-glove on her left hand.

"Ready." Brooklyn says.

"LEt's do this." Sara says.

Sara kicks the door down and immediately she takes down a guy and Brooklyn kicks the other one to the ground.

"Don't all volunteer at once." Sara says, looking at the rest of the men in the room.

The two girls continue to fight the men in the room.

Brooklyn takes out the last men on her side and Sara drops the last guy on her side.

Sara knocks on the door and Snart opens it. They're still in a fight with one man, Yuri.

"I just took out six men, Brooklyn four. You guys couldn't handle one?" Sara asks.

"Seriously?" Brooklyn asks. "That's just sad."

"You killed my men?" Yuri asks.

"They're not dead yet." Sara says. "And neither are you, assuming you help us."

"My organization runs black market goods into Koshmar." Yuri says.

"Three of our, uh, well, comrades are being held there by Savage." Rip says.

"Koshmar is not a hotel for petty criminals. If your friends are there, they must be insane, ruthless animals." Yuri says.


"Now, according to Yuri, this is where his men have access." Rip says on the bridge. "Got it?"

"This isn't my first prison break." Snart says.

"We got it covered." Sara says.

"So how can we help?" Kendra asks, walking in.

"By staying on the ship." Rip says. "We don't need any more casualties. Besides, Mr. Snart and Sara have got it covered."

"Whoa, man. Why does it feel like we're on the JV team all of a sudden?" Jax asks.

"What you are is one half of everything Savage needs to change the face of the Cold War." Rip says to Jax. "And you are the only person who can kill him." He says to Kendra.

"Yeah, so you can't just--" Kendra starts.

"I am not going to gift wrap the two people in the world that Savage wants the most." Rip says.

"Well, what about me?" Brooklyn asks. "Am I going?"

"It'd probably be best if you didn't." Rip says.

"But this is the past." Brooklyn says. "No one knows me here. Which means no one's after me in Russia."

"We should get going." Snart says.

"Fine, Brooklyn you can go." Rip says. "I better not see your face on a wanted poster when we're done." Snart. Sara, and Brooklyn start walking out. "Oh, Ms. Lance, could I borrow you for a moment? I have something that might help you out with the mission."

Snart and Brooklyn leave.

Brooklyn is in the cargo bay, sharpening the arrows in her quiver. Sara comes in a little later and gets her knives.

"Impressive how many weapons you can fit in that outfit..." Snart says, watching Sara put a knife in her waistband. Sara tosses Snart Ray's suit. "And how much stupidity Raymond can squeeze into this one."

"The plan is to save him too, not just Stein and your partner." Sara says.

"Oh, I'm gonna save Raymond, all right, so I can beat some sense into him." Snart says. "And what about you?"

"What about me?" Sara asks back.

"Clearly I'm not the only one with a side mission." Snart says. "What did Rip keep you after class to talk about?"

"He just wanted to go over a few details of the plan." Sara says.

"He wants you to take out the old man, doesn't he?" Snart asks and Sara freezes. "It's the obvious play. It's also heartless."

"The plan is to save Stein." Sara says. "And if, for whatever reason, we can't, Rip showed me what will happen to my home in 2016, to our families. If Stein breaks, the damage is irreversible."

"Been on a lot of heists, and even when things got rough, I never took out one of my own." Snart says.

"First rule of it, never turn on your own." Brooklyn points out, sharpening her last arrow.

"Well, this isn't a bank heist." Sara says.

"First, he left my partner twisting in the wind. Now he's gonna have you ice old silver-top. We're all just pawns, Sara." Snart says. "Come on, I'm the crook, you're the assassin, Brooklyn's the archer..."

"He's not just asking me to kill." Sara says. "He's asking me to save the future. And if, for whatever reason, we can't save Stein, then I'm gonna do what needs to be done."

Sara finishes loading her gun.


Hope you guys liked that chapter!!

Sorry it's a day late

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