Chapter 18 - Progeny

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3rd Person POV

"Ah, finally, someone who's willing to do a man's job." Mick says when Sara and Brooklyn enter the room.

"Not why we're here." Sara says.

"It's almost funny how you guys keep parading in here like it's some kind of confessional or something." Mick says.

"It's also not why we're here." Brooklyn says.

Sara paces around Mick's containment area while Brooklyn leans against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Okay, I'll bite." Mick says.

"Everybody's out there arguing about whether or not we should kill this kid, 'cause no one thinks he can change, which made me think of you." Sara says.

"You know no one thinks you can change." Sara says, sitting down. "That's why you're in here."

"The only reason I'm in here is if I get out, I'm gonna give Snart some payback he's not walking away from." Mick says.

"He saved your life." Brooklyn defends Snart.

"He wussed out on killing me, not the same thing." Mick says. "He marooned me."

"It's not like he had many choices." Sara says. "You know, while you were busy selling us out to a homicidal time pirate, Leonard and I almost died. He was thinking about you, told me about your partnership, your friendship."

"Did it make you weepy?" Mick asks. "You think it's gonna make me weepy?"

"He's your friend, a loyal one." Sara says. "You should know that."

"Well, thank you." Mick says. "I'll work it out with him as soon as I can." Sara stands up to leave. "Oh, killing a kid, not very hero-like."

Brooklyn glares at him.


The ship rocks slightly

"What was that?" Sara asks

"That was our jump ship taking off." Jax says

"How could Per Degaton have escaped?" Stein asks

"Gideon, who else is on the jump ship?" Ray asks

"It's being piloted by Captain Hunter." Gideon says

"Who just turned off his transponder." Jax says

"Sounds like someone doesn't want us following him." Sara says

"Why?" Stein asks

"Because Rip doesn't want us stopping him." Sara says

"Stopping him from doing what?" Jax asks

"From killing Per Degaton." Sara says

"I'm gonna--" Brooklyn growls, taking her knife out of her boot and turning around as if to go stab Rip.

"Woah, woah, hey." Jax grabs her arms, spinning her around again. "No." He says, pulling the knife out of her hand.

"Okay, just think about this." Ray says. "Where could Rip be taking Per Degaton?"

"Jump ship's got a range of 8,000 miles, so anywhere." Jax says, turning back to the conversation and putting Brooklyn's knife on the table.

"It doesn't matter where he's taking him." Sara says. "All that matters is what he's gonna do to him when he gets there."

"Rip is not a murderer." Ray says

"To Captain Hunter, this isn't about killing." Stein says. "It's about saving."

Brooklyn Archer //Book One// - Legends of Tomorrow - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now