Chapter 12 - Marooned

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3rd Person POV

"You ready?" Kendra asks, her, Brooklyn, and Ray walking into the hull of the ship.

"Given I never designed the Atom suit for outer space, I'm not exactly sure how to answer that question." Ray says.

"You're gonna be okay, right?" Brooklyn asks.

"Hopefully, never done this before." Ray says with a nervous laugh, making a joke out of the stressful situation. Brooklyn doesn't find this funny and pulls her hood up. "While I'm gone, you're captain." He tells Kendra.

"Thank you. But I think we both know I'm in charge either way." Kendra says. "Good luck."

Kendra and Brooklyn leave the room.

"Gideon, open the hatch." Ray says.

The steel door closes behind Brooklyn and Kendra and the two go to the bridge.

"Ray, don't go nodding off on me." Kendra says.

"No, I wasn't." Ray says, snapping back. "I was just resting my eyes for a second."

"You've got to stay with me, Ray." Kendra tells him through the comms. "Just stay focused on my voice, and keep talking."

"About what?" Ray asks.

"Anything." Kendra says. "Like, um, what was your first pet's name?"

"Slinky." Ray says.

"Is that a cat?" Kendra asks.

"Burmese python." Ray says. "Yeah, I'm allergic to cats and dogs. Pretty much anything without scales."

"Okay, then, enough about pets." Kendra says. "Um, what's your favorite color?"

"Don't have one." Ray says.

"Who doesn't have a favorite color?" Kendra asks.

"It's kind of like having a favorite Beatle." Ray says.

"No, everyone has a favorite Beatle." Kendra objects.

"Not me." Ray says. "Wouldn't be fair to the other three."

"Okay, fine, enough about pets, and colors, and Beatles." Kendra says.

"It's a good thing we never went for that drink. This space date is going terribly." Ray says.

Then, an alarm starts beeping and Ray goes silent.

"Ray?" Kendra asks. No response.

Kendra and Brooklyn look at each other.

"Ray?" Brooklyn asks.

"Are you still with me, Ray? Ray? Are you there?" Kendra asks. "Ray, are you there?"

"It seems that Mr. Palmer patched the hole in the hull, allowing Mr. Snart and Ms. Lance to escape the engine room." Gideon says.

"Okay, as soon as he's on board, I need you to close the cargo bay and seal the airlock, Gideon." Kendra says.

Kendra and Brooklyn run out of them room.

"Brooklyn, go check on Sara and Snart!" Kendra says as they run.

"Copy that." Brooklyn says, peeling off down the other hallway.

The door to the engine room is slowly opening when Brooklyn gets there.

"Sara! Snart!" Brooklyn exclaims, prying the door open faster.

Sara and Snart jump up and run.

Brooklyn Archer //Book One// - Legends of Tomorrow - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now