Chapter 26 - River of Time

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3rd Person POV

Brooklyn is in the bathroom, sick from radiation poisoning.

"Jeez, radiation poisoning sucks." Brooklyn breathes out, flushing the toilet.

"Well, Miss Cooper, it tends to." Gideon says

"Thanks for the sympathy." Brooklyn sarcastically says. "Isn't there something you can give me for this?"

"Unfortunately, the only think I am allowed to give you are crackers." Gideon says. "You can find them in the mess hall--"

"'Allowed to give' me?" Brooklyn asks. "Did Rip tell you that?"

"I'm not supposed to answer that question." Gideon says

"So much for trust." Brooklyn mutters

"What was that, Miss Cooper?" Gideon asks

"I asked where Jax was." Brooklyn says

"He's in the medbay, currently aging rapidly." Gideon says

Brooklyn makes her way to the medbay

An alarm goes off as she steps into the room, causing Snart, Mick, Stein, and an older Jax to look over

"You gotta be kidding me." Brooklyn says.

As soon as she takes a step backwards, the alarms go off

The four watch as she takes a step back in and tests for the alarm, it going off when her foot hits the ground of the medbay. She steps back out and it goes off. The she steps back into the room and it goes off again

"Seriously?" She asks the AI

"I was told to set it up." Gideon tells her

"Can you unset it up so I can go in?" Brooklyn asks

"Why do you need to go in?" Gideon asks

"So I can check on my boyfriend!" Brooklyn yells, frustrated at the AI. As soon as she says the sentence, her face goes beet red and she looks to Jax who smiles

"Oo, so this is a thing?" Snart asks in his normal mocking way, looking between the two with raised eyebrows

"Gideon!" Brooklyn yells, trying to change the subject

"I will disable the alarm for this purpose only." Gideon says

"Thank you." Brooklyn thanks as the alarm stops ringing

Brooklyn goes over to Jax, returning Snart's mocking look

She grabs Jax's hand

"Are you certain these results are accurate?" Stein asks Gideon after looking at the computer. "Jefferson's blood chemistry is akin to that of a--"

"A 63-year-old man." Gideon finishes

"Actually, I don't feel a day over 60." Jax says, laughing

"Not funny." Brooklyn tells Jax

"Sorry." Jax says, giving her a smile

"No, and it's all Rip's fault." SNart says, going back to Brooklyn's comment. "Even the junkie is sick."

Brooklyn rolls her eyes at the word 'junkie'.

Jax tries to stand up but he can't, his body aching.

"I'm afraid he's also suffering from early-stage osteoarthritis." Gideon says

"The exposure to the temporal radiation has led to an accelerated rate of intracellular degeneration." Stein says.

Brooklyn Archer //Book One// - Legends of Tomorrow - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now