Chapter 24 - Leviathan

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3rd Person POV

Jax and Brooklyn get news of Stein's condition

The two sprint to the medbay, Brooklyn coming to a violent halt right outside the door, causing Jax to sidestep away so he didn't crash and then over to Stein

"Grey, what happened?" Jax asks Stein

"You have to take care of them." Stein says

"Don't worry." Jax says. "We got the team's back."

"No." Stein says. "The people. Those children. You can't leave them here. You can't you can't..." He trails off, laying on the chair

"I've administered a mild sedative." Gideon says. "He should be comfortable."

"Which is more than can be said for the rest of us." Rip says and he walks out


"Sounds like it's getting closer." Ray says. "How's it going back there?"

"You tell me." Jax says, fixing Ray's suit. Brooklyn stands there, hood over her head and arms crossed over her chest. She looks around nervously as the ground IS getting closer. "This is your nutso idea."

"It's not that nutso when you consider the theoretical possibility that siphoning power from the auxiliary time drive should provide enough power to reverse the polarity of the dwarf star matrix." Ray says

"Sorry, Ray, I'm falling asleep back here, man." Jax says

Brooklyn smiles at Jax's comment

"Okay." Jax says. "I think we're done. All right." Ray turns around to face the two. "You know, if this doesn't work--"

"I'll turn every cell in my body inside out?" Ray guesses

"I was gonna go with die, but yeah." Ray says.

"You know, we could've escaped on the Jumpship, but we're doing this to save everybody that we brought on the Waverider." Jax says. "You're the real hero here, Ray."

"All right." Ray says. "Stand back."

The two take a step back

"No." Ray says. "Like, way back."

They run further away

"All right." Ray says, coaching himself. "Here we go." Ray presses a button and he grows SUPER big. "It worked. I'm not dead. Yet. Okay, let's do this."

"Okay." Jax says. "Come on, Ray, you got this."

They watch giant Ray walk away from them

"Come on, let's get to the waverider." JAx tells Brooklyn

"Okay." Brooklyn answers

They run back to the waverider and into the bridge, Brooklyn's hood falling off her head in the meantime

"Hook me up to Ray's comms." Jax says

Brooklyn starts typing on the console

"You're goof." Brooklyn tells him, pulling her hands back

"Ray? Can you hear me?" Jax asks

"Loud and clear." Ray says

"Good. Don't just wrestle with him." Jax tells Ray. "Remember, you got laser blasters."

"Actually, they're compressed light beams." Ray says

"Well, whatever they're called, just hit him with them." Brooklyn says

Ray shoots a laser at his opponent

"Yeah!" Jax exclaims, happy

A few more blasts from both sides and Ray is thrown down

"No!" Brooklyn exclaims

"Get up, Ray." Jax says. No response from Ray

"Jax!" Brooklyn exclaims, scared. She looks over at him

"Get up." Jax says again. No response. "Rip said you told him you don't believe in fate just choices. Well, you got a choice to make right now. You got to choose to get up and fight. You got to choose to live."

Then, Ray gets up

He smashes the robot to pieces

"Whoo! Come on!" Jax yells, happy. The robot hits the ground, destroyed. "That's what I'm talking about, baby!"


Hope you all liked this chapter!!

I'm sorry it's so short -- i didn't expect it to be that short 

So I will be posting this chapter AND the next one right after 

Don't forget to vote and comment


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