the model--18

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 Lately, I've been needing an extra venti expresso because I am really fucking depresso. Reason for that is: I really want to fucking drop out of college because it's just not for me. 

"This would look so cute for the baby, Jisoo!", Rose insisted when a baby outfit caught her eye as she and Jisoo were shopping for important essentials they needed for the newborn, but they got easily sidetracked to looking for outfits for Jisoo's child. Rose shows Jisoo an outfit that is meant for a boy, which made Jisoo chuckle.  "Rose, we won't know its gender until our next appointment."

The tall blonde pouts and puts the outfit back on the shelves. They continue to wander around the store, showing each other cute outfits that would look good for a girl or a boy or both. Jisoo was now just as eager as Rose to find out the gender in their next appointment.  As they headed out the store in the mall, they coincidentally crashed into Jin and Jimin at the food court where they were waiting in line to buy pizza with fries on the side and possibly fried chicken. 

"Would you guys like to have some pizza, too? Our treat.", Jimin offered with the same genuine smile he had that makes girls' hearts flutter. He and Jin accompanied the girls being their bodyguards and their driver. 

Jisoo playfully jabbed her finger into both Jimin and Jin's chest, "With." Jab. "Fried." Jab. "Chicken." Jab. Chaeyoung was surprised to that the mother was not having any weird cravings considering it is known for pregnant women to have really weird cravings or worst: mood swings. They all laugh at Jisoo's childishness, but they still ordered pizza, fries, and fried chicken. 

While they waited for their orders to be done, they discussed a few random topics and bringing up some old memories they shared back in high school whilst avoiding bringing up Jungkook. In the midst of their conversation, Jin brought up the idea of having a baby shower and gender reveal all in one day when Jisoo mentioned about her appointment. 

"Hyung, isn't that going to be difficult? We don't know if the baby is going to be a boy or a girl, so how would the guest know what to buy?", Jimin said, pointing out the obvious. But Jin refused to argue with Jimin's logical way of thinking. 

"It's simple! Just give the other stuff to the next female friend we have that gets pregnant.", he shrugged. 

"And who do you think that will be?", Rose raised a skeptical brow and crossing her arms, giving Jin a challenging posture. Jin returned the favor except he seemed quite confident and bold with his answer: "My bet is on Jennie." 


It was appalling to hear from the model that she thinks that she's slowly falling in love with the singer. Jennie didn't know how to react nor know what to say to Lisa's unexpected confession. All she can give was silence, but Lisa didn't mind. She was surprised herself that she said that out loud. 

"I think so, Kim Jennie. I really think so..."

Just when Jennie was about to utter a word, she gets a phone call from the floor director at the venue that she is needed immediately to rehearse one last time once again before the next day which is tomorrow. She shamefully looks at Lisa, "I have to go to rehearsal. We can talk later." She turns to leave the room, but the model was quick and stepped in her way. "L-Lisa?"

"I'm going with you."

"What?! No! You can't! There is paparazzi everywhere, do you want to have a repeat of what happened last time?", Jennie said with an anxious tone. It was worrying Lisa what is making her like this when she just simply wanted to accompany the singer to her rehearsal? Does Namjoon have anything to do with this? Or her ex?

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