We were headed outside when we caught a glimpse of Levi leaning against a table watching a beer pong game. He had his arm over a pretty blonde girl with brown eyes. She was in flowy orange pants and a white tank top. She was short and clung Levi's waist as she looked up at him. She seemed to be whispering something to him which made him smile. It was the sweetest thing I had seen all night.
"Levi, man! There you are," Kam called to his friend. Levi looked up and smiled at all of us. He seemed different, happier, more content even.
"Hey man," he smiled at Kam, then his eyes moved to Lea and I. "Rai," he gave me a small nod before giving Lea a big smile. He stepped away from his girlfriend, but still held onto her hand as he pulled Lea into a tight one armed squeeze. "Happy birthday little sis," he said in a low voice.
"Thanks," she smiled up at him. The girl holding his hand smiled and wished Lea a happy birthday after her boyfriend.
He pulled away and immediately introduced his girlfriend. "Lea, Rai, this is my girl D." D smiled at us.
I stepped forward to hug her, I wanted to get all the awkwardness out of the way all at once. "D, that's an interesting name. I like it." I smiled as I stepped back and Lea followed my lead.
"My real name is Delilah, but I hate it," she laughed.
I restrained from singing the Hey There Delilah song, figuring that's exactly why she hated it, but that didn't stop me from smiling to myself thinking about it.
"Hey D," Kam said. "Nice to see you again," he gave her a side hug and asked her how she had been.
"Good, we were just over here talking about how these pairs were no match for us," she nodded to the table next to us still playing beer pong.
Kam chuckled, "no one is," he smiled. "Besides us of course." He gestured to me with his hand.
My eyes went wide. Did he not just hear my whole spiel about how I dont drink? maybe it wasn't obvious that that included the fact that I didn't play drinking games. Never have. I knew how to, but I never actually played. It was a little impossible considering the fact that the game always led you to drink at some point. There was no way I was better than anyone at this party.
"Bet," she gave him a challenging smile. I caught Levi watching her affectionately, as if proud of her and her competitive attitude. I loved seeing him this way.
Kam being Kam accepted the challenge, and announced that we were next on the table.
"You know I have never played right?" I whispered to Kam.
"Don't even worry about it," he smiled down at me. "I am the best there is, you don't even have to know how to play."
"What about the drinking part?" I couldn't keep the worried look off my face.
"I will drink for you," he said as if it were obvious. He looked completely un phased by my nervousness. I let his calm flow through me. He had already thought about it. I should have known. That's who Kam was, a thinker. He was kind, and safe and always thinking ahead.
I turned to Lea while we waited for our turn. "Have you seen your boy?" I grinned.
"Not yet," she looked around nervously. She had random people, who I am sure didn't even know her, coming up to her constantly to tell her happy birthday and hug her. She didn't seem to mind, but I still felt slightly irritated that these people didn't even know how amazing she was and still acted like they were her close friends just because she was throwing a party. I decided to ignore it and sway to the music.

she's mine.
Romance"You think I care about Kameron?" he growled. I looked down- away from his hard eyes. "I just don't know," I said quietly. "Listen to me," he tilted my chin up quickly with his thumb. "I don't give a sh-crap, I don't give a crap," I smiled up at h...