I watched all the boys who meant more to me than anything, duck into doors where there was no turning back from.
My heart raced as I wondered again and again if it was all worth it. I know I had acted like I was not nervous and tried not to show that I was scared, but I was about to pee my pants and cry at the same time. We only had so much time before we would be leaving here with the cops on our tail and/or a record.
My eyes darted from the garage to the front door so quickly I knew I was going to give myself a headache, this was about to be the longest two minutes of my life.
I could feel my breathing becoming quicker as time passed and the knotting in my stomach wasn't helping. I tried to distract myself by looking around the property. It was huge. This doctor had beautiful natural landscaping that you would only find in Boulder. I loved it. He had huge trees and soft clean cut grass surrounding the beautiful home.
I could tell there was probably a big patio out the back and a large fireplace. It was too dark to see specifics, but i thought I saw a statue in the grass near the garage. It was odd, the rest of the home didn't seem like the statue type. I looked back to the front door to take in the pretty door frame and the black accents.
The archway that led to the garage was thick and sturdy for winter in Colorado. I glanced back to the grass in front of the garage and froze.
I must have imagined it.
My body became ice cold with fear.
My mind must have been playing tricks on me.
There's no way the statue moved.
I looked away. It was so dark out that it's very possible I had just imagined seeing it further than it was the first time. I turned back to the front door hoping to see one of the boys coming out. My luck had run out long ago because there was nobody.
The sinking feeling in my stomach was getting deeper and deeper. I couldn't look in the other direction anymore and the feeling I had reminded me of when I was young and used to imagine that there was something in my closet as I stared into the black grim emptiness.
I stared at the front door ignoring the goosebumps on my skin rising and the fear making me want to inch away from the driver side that faced the garage. I couldn't actually move though. The fear had me in a state of frozen terror. It wasn't until There was a flicker of light that I forced myself to glance back in the direction of the statue.
My breathing was too quick to be classified as breathing anymore as I stared at the dark eyes staring back.
I froze, but only for a second this time.
I felt my heart pressing against my chest so quickly the thudding had meshed into a continuous hum. My legs were shaking uncontrollably, and even though I wanted to shut my eyes so badly, they stayed wide open.
It felt as though it were the longest moment of my life, but in all reality I was sure it couldn't have been more than 10 seconds. My hand was trembling as I slowly moved it to the door handle.
I couldn't see the man, not really. Only his eyes. I had no idea what he looked like, but I knew his unfamiliar dark grey eyes were filled with a malevolent fire.
As soon as my hand curled around the door handle, I jerked it open. Stumbling out of the car as fast as I possibly could, I ran out the passenger door from the man staring at me through the driver window only feet from the door.
I silently prayed for help, prayed that we had never come here as I ran.
I hadn't even looked at where I was going, just let my legs take me to safety, but safety was nowhere near. So when I realized I was racing into the trees that surrounded the Doctors property I suddenly realized how bad of an idea getting out of the car was.

she's mine.
Romance"You think I care about Kameron?" he growled. I looked down- away from his hard eyes. "I just don't know," I said quietly. "Listen to me," he tilted my chin up quickly with his thumb. "I don't give a sh-crap, I don't give a crap," I smiled up at h...