The two cars were nose and nose as they passed by all the screaming people. I hadn't noticed all the people gathered around us on their own cars at the edge of the dirt road.
As I looked around, I realized people were betting.. of course, what else would they be doing? There was money going from hand to hand as they anxiously watched. A couple bikers walked around to collect it. I watched them bring the money back to Isaac who was sitting on top of a beautiful four door Jeep Wrangler watching it all.
I remembered Hunter's words, 'remember what I get out of this when I when I win'. What did he mean by that? Were they betting on this too? I didn't know they had done this for anything other than to say who was 'more of a man' or whatever. I thought it was only for bragging rights, maybe it was for more..
My thoughts were interrupted when someone leaned in to talk to me over my shoulder in a low voice. "What time do you need to be home?" Eli's concerned deep voice drifted into my ears.
Uhm.. what?
His brother is in the MIDDLE of his drag race and Eli is concerned with what time he needed to get home home so I don't get in trouble..?
What a MAN. Ugh.
My giggle bubble over my lips as I answered, "Uhm, 11... 30?"
He didn't respond, just straightened up and continued to watch the race. He would get me home before then, I knew it.
The two cars were winding around their first curve, still nose and nose. Jake was on the inside, how he should be to take the lead. We all started to jump and yell to cheer him on.
I quickly turned to Eli, "where's the last turn? The one he has to beat him to?"
Eli didn't take his eyes off the race, he just pointed, "you see that hill? It's at the top of that, it's pretty much the most dangerous U turn you could imagine."
His answer was short, with no emotion at all, but it made me want to throw up. "And you do that all the time?" I asked as I looked back at the dangerous dirt road even though I knew the answer.
He laughed lightly in my ear, "Yeah, baby." I smiled at the sound of his voice calling me baby. "Why? You worried 'bout me?"
I nodded. I was. I couldn't imagine standing here if it were Eli out there.
"Don't be, I'm the best." Most would say he was cocky, and I mean he was, but he was more than that. Something about the way he said it and the way he held himself, it wasn't cockiness just to be cocky- it was as if he had no other choice than to believe in himself. If he didn't believe in himself, who would?
He cursed under his breath and leaned forward onto the truck. I threw my eyes my head back to the two cars just in time to catch Hunter clipping Jake's back end sending him sliding.
My head felt light as I watched.
I couldn't imagine what Lea and Eli were feeling right now. It was playing in slow motion- Jake's silver Camero drifting to the edge of the road..
"Is that even aloud??!?"
"What a-"
"What the actual-"
That and a string of curses flowed from our whole pack, while below us the people cheered at the drama Hunter was causing.
"No," Eli growled. "That's not allowed."
His hands balled into fists at his side, I could tell he was trying to control himself.
Hunter may have taken a cheap shot, but that didn't help him any; Jake quickly corrected himself without falling off the steep shoulder to put himself back in the lead. I was proud, so proud of him. He was going to do it, he was really going to prove everyone wrong and win!

she's mine.
Romance"You think I care about Kameron?" he growled. I looked down- away from his hard eyes. "I just don't know," I said quietly. "Listen to me," he tilted my chin up quickly with his thumb. "I don't give a sh-crap, I don't give a crap," I smiled up at h...