Eli's POV
I pulled into the cul-de-sac with the other two cars following my lead. I checked the time- just after 10 pm. I felt exhausted and we hadn't even done anything yet. This night was going to suck. I felt an ache in my side and my face was throbbing. I needed more medicine and I needed it now. I also needed the guilt thrumming through me to go away, but I knew it wouldn't.
I ignored the whining coming from my head and parked the car. I just wanted to close my eyes and wake up 10 years from now, too bad I stopped getting what I wanted a long time ago.
I looked over at the girl next to me as her eyes wandered from me to the cars behind me and felt i like throwing up. The feeling of knowing something that could change everything in an instant- not in a good way- was overwhelming to say the least.
I hoped so badly that she knew i meant what I had said. That I wasn't talking to talk, and I didn't say those things to anyone.
I looked away from her to find relief.
I got out of the car and walked to where the other boys were gathering. I heard the passenger door open and turned to see Rai following me.
"Who told you to get out of the car?" I snipped at her.
Her eyes narrowed at me.
"Remind me to start packing you some snacks so we can keep the anger issues to a minimum," her words held a lot of attitude, but her smile let me know she didn't mean it. This freaking girl.
But she was right, I was starving. That apple didn't do much for me, but i didn't say anything. I just shook my head and turned to the guys.
"Are you guys ready?" They all gave me a small nod.
"And you know the plan? We only have 2 minutes before the cops will be on us." I knew in my head we actually had about 5 minutes to get in and out, but I gave myself the extra 3 minutes to give me some piece of mind with these idiots. They nodded again. I looked at Levi and held out my hand. "These are the keys to the house, Rock made them months ago. If they don't work you will have to improvise." I glanced at Jonny who nodded. Levi took them and shoved them in his pocket. I could tell he was tense and nervous. I hated that I was putting my best friend in this position, but we both knew if it was him I'd do the same."She's staying in the car right?" Levi nodded to Rai who was now standing at my side.
"Yes. Jonny will drive her in my car and you will drive his." We had already gone over this, but he probably just wanted to say it in front of her, that way she wouldn't ruin anything.
She wouldn't. He should know that. Rai listened, and she was probably smarter and braver than half these guys standing in front of me.
"Where will you park?" Caleb asked. Yup. She was smarter than all of them. Confirmed.
I eyed the new guy. I wasn't head over heels for having someone I didn't know here, but with such short notice and the people I love being at risk I don't really have a choice. Still didn't stop me from looking him over with a threatening look. I crossed my arms.
"In front of the garage. The front door is on the east side of it. He shouldn't have a problem getting there if he's half as fast as he claims," I snapped getting annoyed. He looked at me with a smug look that made me want to grab some gloves and start training early.
Rai must've read my mind because she stepped closer to me and put a hand on my back to gently scratch it.
Holy moly.
Who did this woman think she was?
She couldn't be real.. Could she? She did everything right.. And it was agony.

she's mine.
Romance"You think I care about Kameron?" he growled. I looked down- away from his hard eyes. "I just don't know," I said quietly. "Listen to me," he tilted my chin up quickly with his thumb. "I don't give a sh-crap, I don't give a crap," I smiled up at h...