"Get this taken care of," Isaac waved his hand in the direction of the car in flames as if it were spilt milk he wanted them to wipe up. "You guys really like to make these games difficult on me don't you?" He spoke to Eli, but there was no anger in his tone, more teasing.
Eli looked him over for a minute as he stood far enough away from the burning car that he was still in the light but no longer feeling the heat. He stood with his arms crossed over his chest and his shoulders pulled tight with frustrated tension. Levi stood at his side with a similar pose, but his chin wasn't as set as Eli's. He didn't looked fearful, but rather just worried. I couldn't tell if he was more worried for Eli or Isaac in that moment. Eli's face was expressionless. "Next time I plan out to save a life," his monotone voice matched his facade. "I'll try to remember not to inconvenience you getting your nails done."
Isaac stared at him for a moment before letting out a deep laugh. "Oh Eli, that's why I like you, you know? You're not afraid like the rest of them." His eyes drifted to the sobbing body of Hunter still laying in the dirt behind the two boys. "You know," he spoke to Hunter. "I was surprised how well you were doing before the accident. I've only seen very few people keep up with Eli. It's a tough thing to do, especially blindfolded." He slowly walked past Eli to stand over Hunter. Eli stayed where he was, not wanting to watch what was behind him now.
The two bikers had been on the phone as the car next to us burned. They must have been calling a clean up crew. This was disgusting. They didn't even seem to care that they were cleaning up a dead body. They walked back to Isaac as he stood over the boy.
I couldn't tell if Hunter was hurt, or just couldn't handle the guilt of what had taken place.
"I mean, you were blindfolded... weren't you?" He nudged the boy with his foot. Eli's eyes met mine at his words. We seemed to read each other's minds.
"Y-Yes," hunter's answer was barely audible threw his sobs.
"Because everyone knows it's a bad idea to cross me. Isn't that right, Eli?" He called back to the other boy. "Eli knows better by now, so I know he had his on." What did he mean by that. Eli released his gaze from mine and looked away.
He turned to face them. I saw Hinter look up at him with pleading in his eyes. There was a begging that seemed to come from him as he stared up at Eli.
"I don't think even Rock's boys are dumb enough to cross you," Eli defended him to Isaac.
This seemed to satisfy Isaac. He turned with a smile toying at his lips.
"I didn't think so either," he smiled. "I was a little worried because the cameras in his car are probably now ruined."
Cameras!?!?? What!??! He put cameras in our cars!?? I literally told Eli that Hunter took his blindfold off. Could these cameras hear us too!? I felt like I was going to throw up. Eli is risking his life for Hunter right now. Literally. If Isaac caught him in a lie he would die.
For how many times I joke about peeing my pants.. only half of those are jokes.. and this wasn't one of them. I swear I peed myself a little.
But like always, I couldn't speak.
I trusted Eli. I knew whatever he was doing he was doing it for good reason.
"But I'm hoping we can all trust that you have at least half a brain," Isaac laughed at Hunter.
I hadn't noticed until then, the cars headed our way on the dirt road. "Looks like I'm done here," he smiled at the line of dark cars headed our way. "You guys should be, too." He smirked at all of us. "Take your trophy and go," he looked at Eli and nodded towards me. His tone wasn't as deep and as authoritative as Eli's, but something in it told me we didn't want to defy him.

she's mine.
Romance"You think I care about Kameron?" he growled. I looked down- away from his hard eyes. "I just don't know," I said quietly. "Listen to me," he tilted my chin up quickly with his thumb. "I don't give a sh-crap, I don't give a crap," I smiled up at h...