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I dropped to the ground as soon as Jordan was gone, letting out a scream on the way down. My chest felt like it were being crushed. I couldn't hold in my emotions anymore.

The tears began to fall, warm and wet on my cheeks.

I clutched my stomach as I folded into a ball and sobbed.

Why? Why did we have to go through this? Why did my fathers past keep coming back to us? He was a good man! Why did they need to do this?

I didn't hear the footsteps over my own sobbing, so when I saw the boots next to my I jumped back.

His beautiful face looked as if he were in pain as his eyes raked my tear stricken face and convulsing body.

Man, I was an idiot. I hated this. I hated looking weak.

Why did he always have to see me like this.?

He didn't say a word, Eli just sat down beside me on my kitchen floor, pulling me into him. His big arms wrapping around me pressing me into his chest made me fall apart even further. I cried hard. I let myself feel every bit of pain I had been pushing away, let myself crumple into myself, or into Eli rather.

He didn't seem to mind. He pushed my hair back and held me quietly.

Had he been here the whole time? I didn't hear him come back in, but then again I had been screaming ever since Jordan left.

"It's okay, baby, it's okay."

My heart, despite myself, almost lurched out of my chest. Ah. What a sweet sound coming from his lips.

If only I didn't have to fall apart to hear it, but i'll take what I can get at this point. I was too broken to care.

He rested his chin on the top of my head while I gripped his shirt.

He rested his hand on my cheek rubbing his thumb in the line of my tears.

"It's okay," he repeated.

I slowly let myself calm into him. A storm finally finding rest on the shore, slowly calming with each wave.

I closed my eyes. I don't know how long we stayed like that, but I could've stayed there for the rest of my life.

"Talk to me Rai," his deep voice was low as he spoke. I knew I owed it to him. He had played along, he had waited, he had held me and didn't ask anything of me other than an my words.

I let out a breathe.

"What did you hear?" it would be easier if we just started from where he was.


I sighed against his chest. He kept me firmly pressed to his body, but I could tell the tension was building. He wanted answers, and I didn't blame him.

"My father was a good man Eli," I felt like I had to start with that. He was, he really was good, till the day he died.

Eli waited patiently for me to continue.

"He-he.." I stuttered. I didn't know when to start, or how to. I had never talked to anyone about this before.

He pulled my face back to look at him. His brown eyes were soft as I looked up.

"You can tell me anything, Rai."

My heart ached at the softness in his voice.

I hadn't realized how close we were till then. He had pulled my crying self onto his lap while he leaned against our cabinets. My head was on his chest and his arms were wrapped around my trembling body. My knees curled up into myself and all.

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