The threat in his voice was evident.
Hold up.
Did he just-
No he did not.
He did NOT just threaten me.
I had gone through so much more than this drunk, scrawny loser could even imagine, and he THOUGHT he could threaten me.
I shoved that scared, sick feeling in my stomach down and let the all the humor in me rise. Don't be fooled, I was scared- there were still three creepy, scrawny, wacked out boys threatening me right now, of course I was scared. But there was no wayyyy I would let any of them know that. I did what any other girl in my position would do; I laughed.
I laugh a lot. I laugh when i'm tired, when i'm scared, even when i'm crying- i'll still muffle a laugh in there. I over heard Jonny tell my mom once that he thought it was a defense mechanism, that he thought it started when I lost my dad, my own way of not letting anyone see my feelings. Right now, I could see why he thought that.
All three boys turned to the girl they had expected to be shaking in her boots. They all had the same stunned look on their faces as I threw my head back laughing and turned to Dillon. His face was now washed with confusion.
"What the-"
"Stop," I laughed and stepped back. "Stop, this is too good."
His confusion turned to anger and his fists clenched at his sides. "You think i'm joking?"
I stopped laughing and looked at him for a moment. He wasn't as scrawny as I thought; he just seemed to sink into himself. I may put up a good fight, but I still don't think I could take him. Especially not him and his two friends. They were watching their prey closely as they leaned in toward us.
"I hope for your sake, you are."
Dillon raised a brow, and even though he kept his face steady, I thought I saw a flash of uncertainty flash into his eyes.
"You're funny," he said but his voice lacked all humor. "Caden, Xavier- grab her."
His two friends moved quickly. They each grabbed an arm, the blonde boy smelt like a mixture of cigarette smoke and alcohol while the boy with brown skin smirked in a way that contorted his face in the night. My stomach dropped as I tried to rip my arms from both of them. What is happening!? I flailed in their grasp.
"Get off me," I yelled. Neither budged. I jerked my body from side to side, but it was no use.
"Knock it off before I-" The blonde boy growled.
"Before you what Caden?" the other boy, who i assume is Xavier, said. "You know you can't hurt her," he hissed.
I only stopped when I heard this; they weren't trying to hurt me, only hold onto me. Why? What is going on??
Dillon turned to face the house, spreading his arms wide. There weren't enough people outside for anyone to notice the odd scene on the sidewalk. Nobody there to see me struggling against these boys forcing me to follow Dillon off the sidewalk and onto the front lawn.
"Oh Elias," Dillon called in a taunting voice. I stopped pulling away from the two boys digging their fingers into my arms to look up.
Nothing happened.
This time I actually tried not to laugh, which caused me to snort. "Wow," I snickered. "Your evil plan really worked." My sarcasm was thick. "You really got everyone's attention and now you can make your big reveal." We all looked toward the house where the party went on as if I had never even left. I bit back the tinge of self pity I had for the fact that not only nobody cared that I had been gone for at least half an hour by now, nobody even noticed. I tried to convince myself it was a good thing.

she's mine.
Romance"You think I care about Kameron?" he growled. I looked down- away from his hard eyes. "I just don't know," I said quietly. "Listen to me," he tilted my chin up quickly with his thumb. "I don't give a sh-crap, I don't give a crap," I smiled up at h...