"It's a good freaking thing I wasn't here," Jake announced to the group after I had finished actually explaining every detail as to why I had lost my temper on the Spanish fighter. Kameron had made it in the middle of my story so I had to start over, it was tiring. All of the boys stood in front of me growling and murmuring to each other the threats of exactly how they would all teat Alex apart when they saw him. "If I ever see this guy.. Boy I'll make him wish he would have never even decided to start fighting." Kam nodded and agreed to do the same.
I laughed lightly, "I think your brother already did that," I said. I was sure he did just that when he made the full grown man pee himself in front of a crowd of his competitors.
"What Eli did wouldn't even compare to the damage I'd do," Jake clenched his and threw a few false punches to the air as if to show off what he would do to Alex if he saw him again.
I smiled and shook my head, throwing my arms around the boy I quickly considered my little brother. He hugged me back before gently pulling me back by the waist. "I'm serious Rai, nobody and I mean nobody, gets to treat you like that," he huffed. "Not with out some major consequences at least," he cracked his knuckles dramatically.
"I think Eli took care of that," i said again thinking of Eli's face flushed with anger.
"I took care of what?"
Eli's voice boomed from behind me and I turned around to stare at the most handsome man in the room.. okay in the building.
Gosh he was a work of art let me tell you.
Especially in all black.. my eyes were in the shape of heart as I looked him over. His dark curly hair was tousled as he pushed it back from his forehead. His sharp jaw could easily give me a paper cut and those lips were pursed as he gave me the same up down. His eyes were glazed over with his mysterious, stoic look that was a shield when others were around, but as they travelled up and down me I swear i could have guessed what he was thinking.
He had stepped away to talk to Levi, and I wondered what they had talked about. He would tell me, I'm sure of it.
"Me," I said without thinking. He raised a brow and had small smirk spreading his lips. My face flushed. "I meant you saved me, like you took care of me when all that was going on.." my last words were mumbled as I flushed with embarrassment at the fact that Eli was having me stammer over my words in front of all these people. I caught Lea look down to hide her smile.
Eli kept his smirk as pulled me by the wrist into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me knowing I was about to combust with the flustering feeling of having everyone's eyes on me.
"I'll always take care of you," Eli said in a low voice, but I knew it was quiet enough for the others to hear. I didn't mind though, I loved that Eli was getting more and more open about our relationship. I spun myself around in his arms so he had his arms wrapped around my shoulder with my back to his chest. I caught everyone watching.
Caleb and JP looked over at each other, sharing a wicked grin before Caleb turned back to me. "I don't think Rai needs anyone to take care of her, she practically castrated that man," he claimed causing the whole group to erupt into a fitful laughter. Even Jonny laughed.
"We know who she gets it from," Jonny feasibly flexed his arms in the air. My laugh was uncontrollable at this point, but I didn't miss the was Lea looked at my brother.
Her green eyes darkened and she smiled cheekily as she watched him.
"Yeah right, she'd give even you a run for your money," Kam winked at me as he teased my brother. He didn't know any of Jon's team well, but that would never stop this boy from joking in on a joke. The others looked at him before jumping the opportunity to take his side only in hopes of roasting Jon. We were all in a big circle as they joked about my brother and began to compare biceps. *eye roll*

she's mine.
Romance"You think I care about Kameron?" he growled. I looked down- away from his hard eyes. "I just don't know," I said quietly. "Listen to me," he tilted my chin up quickly with his thumb. "I don't give a sh-crap, I don't give a crap," I smiled up at h...