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I quickly gave Jonny a run through of the day before, only pausing occasionally to catch my breathe. I am never taking a week off from training again. He listened closely, only bobbing his head occasionally as I talked, it seemed to fit into his running smoothly. I informed him about meeting Dillon for the first time at the mall, what Lea had told me about their relationship, and how I had just stepped outside when he found me.

He listened patiently until I got to the part about Dillon pulling a gun on me. I tried to talk quickly, trying to mumble over the words, so we could glide right through that part, but it didn't work.

Jonny came to a stop as if he had been hit by a train. "WHAT!? HE - HE WHAT!?" he yelled. "Who is this guy!? Where is he!? I'm going to beat him to death! Then- Then i'm going to roll your boyfriend in a ditch for allowing any of this to happen. I'm going to-" he was pacing and running his hands threw his sweaty hair dramatically. His voice was raised, and even at 4:30 in the morning I was worried he would draw attention from our sleeping neighbors.

"Jonny! Shh!" I looked around nervously, but of course nobody else was out and there didn't seem to be any heads peaking through windows.

"Don't you DARE shh me! I should have killed that idiot last night when I caught him trying to flirt with you or whatever he claims!" he turned to me. "I figured when i saw you crying he just told you he didn't like you or was flirting with another girl in front of you," I didn't acknowledge the fact that Eli had done both of these things. Ha. The irony. "Not let you almost get murdered under his supervision!" He was acting ridiculous. It's not like Eli was my babysitter while I was at the party. I sighed, trying to control myself. We couldn't both throw a tantrum.

"It's okay! Eli didn't know any of this would happen," as mad as I was at Eli, I couldn't let Jonny do anything crazy. For both their sake's.  "You know you can't do anything to them," I warned him. He looked at me and we shared a look of understanding before he let out an aggravated grunt and took off into an angry run. I sprinted to catch up.

"You are never seeing him again. I hope you know that," he called over his shoulder to me.

I laughed a nervous laugh.

"You are absolutely insane if you think I am joking," he growled. "you think I will let him come near you after that?"

"Well," I tried to find my words quickly. "we may have to see him at some point. He has one week to get Dillon and some guy whatever they want," I paused dreading the next part. "Or they said I would pay his debt for him.."

Jonny let out a low grumble of curses and threats at Eli, Dillon and the whole world while he was at it. It was almost funny how I had just thought about never hearing Jonny curse before, until today. My eyes went wide as I glanced at him while we ran.

He glared at me, but mumbled an apology. "I didn't mean to use that language around you," I could tell we were both remembering our father's lesson and I knew he was being genuine.

"It's okay," we had slowed to a jog. "I'm sorry I got us into this mess." Jonny, despite everything, laughed lightly- surprising me. "What?"

"I just," he looked at me sideways. "I like how you said 'us'. You know I would never let anything happen to you, and if you're in trouble, we're both in trouble."

I smiled, I knew it was the truth. "The Everett's leave no man behind," we both laughed when I used the same voice we used to when we were young playing 'war' in the back yard.

We ran the rest of the way in silence. Letting the run take over our minds and bodies, not letting us think about anything else. It was one of the best escapes really, as much as I dreaded it, it helped. That, and training with Jonny in the gym. The drills he made me do didn't allow for any other thoughts. It was some of the hardest training I think I would ever go through, even with Jonny modifying his work outs for me. 'The Raina Special' Jonny would call them. It was good though, something that bonded us.

I didn't know how far we had run, or how much time had passed, but the sun was beginning to reveal what would soon be dawn. There was a glow around us that made the scene of this small town in Colorado seem surreal.

Jonny took a quick right before we were headed down a familiar street. "The house is up just a block," he was only a little out of breathe, but sweat was staining the collar of his hoodie. "Race you home?" he asked,  as he always did, but I was gone as soon as I heard the word 'race'. I wasn't a cheater, but I would take any chance I could to get back into bed faster. Besides, Jonny had 3 inches advantage with our inherent long legs we were both blessed with. It was only something boys wanted, all these legs did for a girl was make sure the first and only comment any boy made was, 'you're tall'. It was so frustrating.

I used them to my advantage now, though. I pushed as hard as I could, but I didn't miss Jonny chuckle as he passed me. I wasn't slow, actually pretty dang fast, but Jonny literally had wheels for legs when he wanted. It was quite annoying honestly.

He was laughing when I stumbled to a stop on our lawn and leaned over with my hands on my knees, panting.

"That concussion must've slowed your legs along with your brain," he teased. "I'll grab some waters." I gave him a thumbs up still trying to catch my breathe. He shook his head, still laughing, when he walked inside, leaving me on the lawn trying to control my breathing. I stood and put my hands in the air. I wiped the sweat from my hairline and neck as I looked to the street. I loved watching the sunrise. As much as I always hated when Jonny woke me up before 7 I loved actually being up before the rest of the world.

I heard the alluring sound of a challenger before I saw the dreadfully beautiful matte black car pull up my street. Why did he have to have my dream car? The black rims and all? I wondered more often in this new town then ever before if the world had a reason for torturing me, or if she just had that sense of humor.

For some reason my mind instantly flew to my mom. I hadn't seen her since she left early yesterday and whispered a goodbye and wished me luck with my surprise for Lea while I was half asleep. I turned to see if she was working still or if her car was here. It wasn't. Someday I would make sure to pay off every last bill she had and some. I couldn't stand her working her life away.

I remembered that Jonny had said the same thought before he started fighting, which led to his fights being our main source of income for a few months. Of course, they were illegal when he started, so we couldn't keep that up. Now his paychecks don't come ask quickly- it takes time for them to be processed when they are legal apparently- and now they are taxed, but I know they were slowly becoming bigger. I felt a pang if guilt at the fact that he still hadn't really been able to tell me about his last trip because of all the drama I had caused. I would have to ask him about it today. After I dealt with yet another piece of drama I brought into our lives.

The black challenger stopped in the street with its brights blaring on another smaller black car (I only care enough to know my fast cars, nothing else). The black car stayed put, but then seemed to think better of it as Eli revved his engine. I stared in confusion, but only for a second until the black car took off and the passenger rolled down his window. Caden tossed Eli a welcoming gesture with his right hand and his middle finger as the car peeled out around him.

What were they doing here? Why is Eli here? And how long does it take to get waters!? I didn't like any of this. It slowly dawned on me why they had chosen me in the first place, they had followed Eli, and now they were following me. I felt like I was going to pass out. Then throw up, then pass out again.

I started to breathe more heavily just as Eli pulled his car into my drive way, jumping out before the thrum in his car had even silenced. . He was wearing dark clothes and a leather jacket, and he came half stomping half running to me. Oh no. The sweat running down the middle of my back and neck doubled in a millisecond. His eyes were wild and he had dark circles under them as if he didn't sleep at all. The cut on his lip from his fight with Jonny was now surrounded by a blue and violet bruise. This was about to bad. So bad. I wiped my sweat on my sleeve nervously as I prepared myself for whatever he was about to say.

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