I let out a nervous laugh trying to hide my emotions the best i could, but that was definitely not one of my strong attributes. I wasn't the type to talk about my feelings, but I definitely wasn't the best at hiding them either.
"I think that's going to be a little hard," I tried to lighten my tone as i watched Jonny pick up his apple and begin to eat it as if this conversation were nothing- the weather even. "We do go to the same school."
"You'll transfer," he said with an actual light tone, unlike my forced one.
"What!?" Eli and I both said at the same time. He looked from both of us as if it were ridiculous he would even have to explain.
"You do it all the time, it'd be easy." He took a bite as we stared. "Plus you're what? Two weeks in? You wouldn't even have to review anything yet." It had only been one week actually, unless you counted the two weeks I had missed.
"She doesn't have to transfer," Eli said shaking his head.
Jonny laughed, literally laughed. "You think i'm going to let you be anywhere near her after all this? You almost got her killed," his voice was filled with razors. "And your week isn't even over yet. She's transferring." Jonny was using the same tone he used when he made all the family decisions when he was too young and my mom was filled with too much sorrow to think about anything after my father died. The tone that meant there was no room for argument or question. That it was his decision and he would stick behind it, right or wrong, no matter what.
Eli opened his mouth to say something, but Jonny straightened up before he could and added, "if someone touches a hair on her head," Jonny started the same threat I had now heard at least 100 times in the last couple days- that he would kill him and anyone else who hurt me. Eli seemed to be catching on too.
"You'll kill me," he held up his hands suddenly seeming frustrated and annoyed rather than the vulnerable he was minutes ago. "Yeah, I heard you the first 30 times you said it."
Jonny glared at him, "no, I won't actually. I'll let you live with it." That seemed to throw Eli off. He glanced at me suddenly looking like he would be sick, as if that were far worse.
"Oh Jonny, stop it. I'm tired of all this," I sounded exhausted to my own ears. "And I don't want to switch schools, it's senior year. Can we just talk about what we have to get these guys so I don't end up with a bounty on my head after next Friday?" Jonny shot me a 'we will talk about this later' glare when I said I didn't want to switch schools, but I ignored it. I looked from both the boys
"So Jones," Jonny said to Eli. "Fess up. What do we have to do? Rob a bank?"
"Close. But not quite," he crossed his arms over his chest and looked at us defiantly as if preparing for the judgement. "We have to steal a $2.5 million Bugatti from a doctor along with some classified documents from a surgery 8 years ago."
Not too hard at all.
Seemed like a piece of freaking cake really!
I just stared.
"Uhm.. Are you joking?" my voice was small when I spoke. Jonny's face was unreadable and Eli's eyes were hard as he waited for our reactions.
We all sat in silence for a moment. Apparently I was way off. I had expected maybe he wanted a couple drugs, couple thousand dollars, MAYBE to get him to do his dirty work with some guys.
"Why you?" I asked finally breaking the silence. Eli's eyes redirected directly at me and they were cold and distant. His beautiful face was hard, making him look like an ancient sculpture you'd find in Greece.

she's mine.
Romance"You think I care about Kameron?" he growled. I looked down- away from his hard eyes. "I just don't know," I said quietly. "Listen to me," he tilted my chin up quickly with his thumb. "I don't give a sh-crap, I don't give a crap," I smiled up at h...