Eli's POV
"Eli you can't-"
"Eli please-"
There were so many voices calling my name and telling my what to do. I blocked out every single one of them. I couldn't stand to listen to them anymore. They didn't know anything, none of them. There was only one voice I wanted to hear right now, and she wasn't speaking. Why wasn't she speaking? She was just listening and following as we all walked. What was happening? What was she thinking!?
I kept walking to my car, the voices followed. We had at least 20 minutes, I knew that. They needed time to get their money, time to place their bets and time to rally up those who were unsure about who they wanted to win.
I had been here so many times doing the same thing over and over. I had it down to a science. I wasn't lying when I said I could do this race with my eyes closed. Everyone who had been here more than once knew this.
I came, I raced, I got my money and I left. Ever since my first race I had been invited back. That was the only way in, to be invited. Isaac liked me, and so did the crowd who showed up again and again. I wasn't just a good racer, I gave the crowd what they wanted, and they wanted a show.
It wasn't until I reached my car that I heard the voice that pulled me out of my head.
"Eli, please don't do this, I can fix this-" the pleading in my brothers voice stood out.
I spun on my heel, unable to control myself.
"Are you serious?" My hands were already knitting his shirt in my fists and pushing him back before I even told them what to do. "Don't you dare speak. Don't." My voice was distant to my own ears. That happened when I couldn't control my temper anymore. I knew my tone was venom on a blade, and I wouldn't be able to stop myself now.
I threw him up against my car.
"Why- Why would you-" I snapped.
"I- I didn't think-"
"That's right! You didn't think!! You idiotic human being! You bet her," I growled, my face was inches from his. I could see the fear in his eyes as he trembled beneath me. "You don't understand what you did. She's not just some thing you can bet. She's my- she's everything, and you just bet her life away like it was nothing." I pulled back only to shove him against my car harder. "Now look at what you've gotten us into."
There was a soft hand on my shoulder and a whisper in my ear cutting through everything.
"Eli," her voice was faint through the thrumming in my ears, but it was there. I didn't move. I was too angry and I knew if I looked at her that anger would all fade. When I didn't respond she wiggled herself under my arm. "Eli, listen to me."
I felt my body relax beneath her touch. She slid between me and Jake- with the little space left between us she pressed her body to mine. Her slim hands were on my chest, sliding up to my neck.
I couldn't help myself. My eyes drifted down to her.
"Hunny," her voice was barely a whisper, her warm breath brushed my neck and my brother's shirt slipped from my hands. I caught him slip out from behind her, using her as a saving grace. Her big blue eyes and messy brown hair pulled all my attention to her. My hands fell to her small waist.
She didn't say anything else, she didn't need to. Just her presence alone brought me back from spiraling out of control. My hands gripped at my own hoodie she had on. Her soft hands were on either side of my neck as she looked up at me.

she's mine.
Romance"You think I care about Kameron?" he growled. I looked down- away from his hard eyes. "I just don't know," I said quietly. "Listen to me," he tilted my chin up quickly with his thumb. "I don't give a sh-crap, I don't give a crap," I smiled up at h...