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"What the hell was that!?"

I whipped my head around on Eli. Why in the world was he talking like this again?? Couldn't we just have a normal conversation? Just once?


He looked at me with his sleepless, wild eyes, "You know what! Is there something going on between Lea and your brother!?" he snapped.

"No! She is just trying to help you out!! She's trying to convince him to let me stay and see why it would be beneficial for you to help protect me," I snapped back with just as much ferocity, but my voice soon lowered as I realized we were out in the open again. "Not that you even want that," I glared remembering last night. "But she seems to think you do and she wants to help you."

I turned before he could speak and walked down my front steps, "Is there something going on with lea and your brother," I mocked shaking my head. "So what if there was!" I called to him only to be defiant, but my mind raced at the thought of it. There wasn't anything going on though, was there? Lea was 16. And Jonny may be a really good guy and all, but he would be 20 in 2 weeks! There's no way. I was with her the whole time last night. Jonny better not be leading her on, she was my only friend as of right now. My thoughts whirled.

I was headed for my car when I felt the warmth of his hand wrap around my wrist and spin me around to face him. I looked up at him, he was standing so close i could smell his fresh scent and feel the warmth radiating off his body. "Why would you say that?" his eyes searched mine.

"Say what? It's really not a big deal, I don't think anything is even going on." I reassured him, trying to drop it. I definitely didn't miss the fact that he didn't let go of my wrist. I tried to ignore the thrum of electricity going up my arm from his touch.

"No not that," he waved it off. "Why would you say that I don't want you to stay? or to protect you? That doesn't even make sense.." his eyes held genuine confusion.

"You told me last night that all you wanted was for me to leave you and your family alone!" My voice rose again at him acting innocent. He hurt me, and he didn't get to act like he didn't.

"I-I-" his eyes kept searching mine as if looking for his words. I thought about what Lea had said about him only doing that to protect me, but if they wanted me to believe that I would need to hear it from his lips and his lips only.

"Like I said.." I pulled away from him and kept walking to my car. The disappointment making my stomach drop in his lack of an excuse made me feel even more rueful. Which I didn't know was possible considering how this day was going, and it wasn't even 9 yet.

"No, you don't get it!" he yelled to me. I spun around on my heel my blood boiling. I walked so I was directly in front of him looking up at his frustrated brown eyes with his jaw clenching and unclenching.

"You know what!? you're right! I don't get it. I don't get you at all!! Some days you can be so open and seem so genuine and the next you're right back to being an arrogant jerk! You play head games and you push everyone away! You act like you don't care about anyone but yourself!" he flinched back as if i'd slapped him. I didn't care though, i wanted to hurt him the way he hurt me last night. I wanted him to understand what was going through my head. "You say you want to protect me, then you tell me you want nothing to do with me, and THEN you show up here at 6 in the morning to what!? Torture me some more? So you're right, I don't-"

I didn't finish my sentence, or even my thought because his lips were abruptly pressed to mine. His hands cupped my face as he ferociously kissed me; as if he couldn't hold himself back any longer. As if I held the last bit of oxygen left on this forsaken planet. I froze under his touch. It wasn't how I had imagined i'd be kissed for the first time with someone I actually cared for. I always imagined it would be slow and sweet, gentle and romantic. This was not that. This was in the middle of a fight, with exhaustion and anger streaming through my body. He wasn't slow or gentle about it either. He held onto me the way the dying grip to their last breathe. He pushed me as if I were fire and he were gasoline. He didn't calm or soothe me, he ignited every fiber in my body. I didn't even know something like this existed.

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