Hold On

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A/n: OK soooooo, this is based on the song, I skipped the first part of the song, sorry but... Hope you enjoy cuase it's Hella long! 😂

Warning! : Suicide, angst

Jeremy's P. O. V

It has been 4 weeks after the squip-incedent, everyone was back to their normal happy lives, as if the incident never happened. I, on the other hand, am not happy. I am now in a guilty and fucked up life. I feel so fucking guilty taking the God damn squip, giving everyone a squip, almost destroying society and most of all...... Calling Michael, my best friend of 12 years and crush of 3 years, a loser. But I still can't believe that he forgive me, after everything I did. All I know is that I still feel the guilt and dread.

Right now it's 7:00 P. M and I'm at Michael's house, playing Apocalypse Of The Damned in his basement. His parents were on a business trip, which means we have the whole house to ourselves!

We have been playing for 4 hours now, then our characters died due to zombies eating our brains. "Damn it!" Michael yelled, sinking into his bean bag in frustration. "When are we going to beat this fucking level?" he said, I just laughed at his childish whines. "Well you need to act fast before the zombies attcke, you nerd." I said. He looked at me and smirked

"Dork" he said

So we just jokingly name call each other before Micheal said "Loser" (A/n: this was hard for me to type out) and laughed. I started to panic, I never liked that word after the incident, it brings so much guilt and bad memories. I felt tears start to form and my breathing got quicker. Micheal looked at me, then realized what he said "Jer-bear, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" before he could finish I ran upstairs, locking myself in the bathroom.

You locked yourself in the bathroom

I was having a full blown panic attack, I was sitting on the floor crying my eyes out. I hated the past, I tried to get over it but I just couldn't stop remembering all of the horrible memories. Voices were filled in my head.

"Waste of space"

I was tugging on my hair, hopping the voices would just stop. Until, one voice got my attention.

"You should just end it all, Michael would be so happy if your were never there in his life right now. Dad would just be relieved and just rest instead of taking care of you. Christine rejected you, so it's not like she would care. Brooke is heartbroken because of you. Chloe wouldn't mind. Jenna will have the best rumors about you when your gone. Rich and Jake would just bully you again. So go ahead, die" (A/n: Curse my 13 year old mind)

Maybe the voice was right. Besides, I'm just a burden to everyone in life. All I've done is cause everyone pain.

I slowly stood up and walked over to the cabinets under the sink, I slowly opened it and there on the concrete was a knife.

      ~ Flashback from when their 13~

I walked inside Michael's house for our play date but he wasn't in his room, so I went inside the bathroom. I opened it and saw Michael putting a fucking knife in the cabinet

"what the hell are you doing?" I asked

He jumped slightly, startled by my appearance and looked at me.

"I just had this, like, amazing idea! So like, if I'm in the bathroom showering or taking a shit and there's an intruder in the house I could just grab the knife fron the cabinets and stab the son of a bitch" he said with the grin.

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