Long Time Date (H.O.R Part 10)

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Warning: Ya'll deserve some fluff

Michael's P.O.V

I woke up and saw Jeremy cuddle near my chest and honestly, I missed this, I missed him. I hope they find that bitch soon.

I gently got out of bed and kissed his forehead, earning a smile while he sleeps. I planned on having a date today since we haven't had one in a month. I took a sticky note and a sharpie, scribbling something before placing it on his bed side table.

I walked downstairs, Mr. Heere was still asleep as well, and walked outside. I was gonna have the date in my house, I don't want Jeremy and I walking that much outside since Clint is still in the loose.

~Time skip brought to you by Christine singing Satisfied from Hamilton!~

I arrived in my place, I grabbed random shit from the fridge and cabinets. What? I can't cook. I decided to make some burgers.

I grabbed the burger patties (???) and put them on a frying pan, cracking the stove on before putting the pan on it. Huh, maybe this is gonna be easy...

Boi I was wrong.

Jeremy's P.O.V

I woke up and tried to hug Michael but found it empty. I was beginning to panick until I turned and found a note. I picked it up and it said:

Meet me at my place for lunch, Its a date~ 😘

I chuckled, God he is such a big, tall sweetheart. I got yawned, I checked the time an- JESUS CHRIST ITS 12:35 IN THE AFTERNOON!! Damn I must have slept late last night, oh well, at least I can just get ready for the date right now.

I got up and streeeeeetched, feels so good in the mornings but fucking not waking up. I decided to dress up in my regular clothes, I smelled coffee downstairs, I need coffee, coffee is life. I rushed downstairs and found my dad reading his morning newspaper and drinking coffee.

"Morning" I told my dad before making myself a cup. "Morning son, why are you dressed up? Any special occasions?" dad asked me, while I drank my coffee. "Michael invited me to luch, so I'm meeting him in his house." my dad nodded "I'll drop you off, I'm going to work. Anyways, I don't want to you getting hurt by anyone on the way." I smiled, he really does care. After breakfast, my dad and I hopped in his car and drove off to Michael's.

"Bye dad, see you tonight!" I waved and walked to Michael's porch, knocking the door. There was no answer so I just walked in, as soon as I walked in something smelled weird...

I followed the scent all the way to the kitchen and I saw-

"AAAAAHHHHH!!" I screamed, scared.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!" Michael screamed back in surprise while he was holding a frying pan that was blazing fire on top of it.

"WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?!?" he yelled.

"I HAVE EVERY RIGHTS TO SCREAM SINCE YOUR HOLDING A PAN THAT'S ON FIRE!!!" I screamed back before going to the sink, quickly pouring a glass of water and throwing the water at the pan Micheal was holding, hearing it sizzle.

We both just stood there, catching out breath. Michael dropped the pan, clearly looks like he ain't touching it again. "Michael... What happened?" I asked him. "Well...... I wanted to make some burgers for us and I.. Burned the patties.." he said, chuckling nervously and rubbing the back of his neck.

I sighed, I walked over and look at him in the eyes. I couldn't hold back, so I just smiled at him and chuckled "Michael, we both know that if you cook, you'd surely burn something. That's why I should cook for us. Now come on, you can set up the table and I can do the the cooking." I toled, him before picking up the pan and washing it so Michael's parents won't be suspicious."But I was supposed prepare everything" Michael whined. Honestly, he is a sweetheart but a big pain in the ass.

I stuck out my tongue at him, earning a gasp. I completely forgot about what happened through out the month, maybe because Michael is always the person who helps me. The person who cares so much.

Had to stop here so there can be no angst, like I said, I want ya'll to have some fluff 😇 I'm sleepy

Stay tune for the next chapter

Smile more!

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