We're Gonna Rule The World! (H.O.R part 19)

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Finally I got to update!! Sadly we are almost at the end of the book, so I'll explain in another page about books I will soon write after completing this book!!

Warning: Hahah! You thought-

Jeremy's P.O.V

Damn how do women handle wearing a dress!? (A/n: Check last chapter to see the dress) But hey, it kinda looks good on me. It feels soft but damn it's hard to put it on!

Clint and I are currently walking around the market place on the street, everyone staring at me for wearing a dress. God, this is so embarrassing! Clint came here to buy some parts and food, I can't even understand what people are saying.

"Follow me my dear, I have some friends to make business with" Clint said and grabbed my hand, leading me to a dark alleyway. There was at the end of the narrow path, Clint knocked and soon a person's eyes were seen on the top of the door.

"Password" the voice was low and serious.

"Bitch please it's me, Clint. But fine, SQUIP" Suddenly the door was opened and a tall, muscular man was walking back to a room. Clint put pushed me in, locking the door behind us. It was dark, the only source of light is in a room down the hall. I followed Clint to the room, in there was 3 people.

"Heyyy, Clint! Haha welcome back!" A guy with an eye patch, gelled back black hair and a green suit came up to him and gave him a bro hug. "Plank! Its good to see you buddy!" Clint returned the hug. Then he pulled away and walked towards me.

"Jeremy, I'd like you to meet my buddies. Guys meet my boyfriend A.K.A my future husband." Clint said and each person introduced themselves.

"The the names Plank, I'm from the ocean. Crazy right? My invention made me breath in land and I want revenge on a certain... Crab and Sponge" Plank introduced me and I was really, really, confused.

Another guy wearing a black trench coat came up. "Whats up? The names Jason Dean although I prefer to be called JD"

The 3rd guy with messy white hair, white make up and black make up around the eyes and a tint of green on the side of his face. "Hello, my names Beetlejuice!! Please say my name 3 times! So you can get that name in your head to remember!" He looked at me grinning. "Umm.. Beetl-" but Clint clapped a hand on my mouth. "We don't say that, only for emergencies" He whispered before letting go. "Ohhh your no fun!!" Beetle said and sat down.

"Woohoo! You sure do have a keeper" The guy JD said, looking me up and down. "Yeah, I'd sure would like to see what he looks like.... In bed" Beetle said, running his hand up and down my waist line, I scurried away from him a bit. "Back off Beet, besides... You'll get to spend some time with him after my plan works" I glared at him, but no use. "What plan?" Plank asked, curious.

"Gentlemen... Squips will be back in business" Me and the rest of the guys gasped, well they were shock but I was terrified. "Buddy, the quips deactivated long ago because of him" JD pointed at me. "I know that, but listen, but this time is no cure to deactivated the squips." Everyone was thinking. "Think about it! JD, Plank, you two can get revenge without anybody in your way. And Beet, you get to be yourself without anyone stopping you!" Soon, everyone was agreeing with the idea. "So what do you say fellas?" Clint asked and everyone went dead silent. Suddenly Plank stood up, "Squip squip squip" he chanted, then Beetle joined and everyone in the room joined except for me.

'Oh God.... I need to do something quick'
I hoped you enjoyed another chapter! Too lazy to check for any mistakes.

Stay tune for the next chapter

Smile more!

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