I'm Sorry... (H.O.R part 7)

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Mello again my dudes!!! Finally finished with performing in talent show!! Now I can write!!!

Warning: My bois are sad!!😭

Jeremy's P.O.V

Clint and I arrived at school, parking the car and walking inside, lunch was over and everyone was in class already. We both walked in and the teacher scolded at us on why we were late, Clint made up an excuse saying that he was sick for the rest of the day and I was there tk take care of him.

We sat in our seats, the teacher continuing class. I looked back to see Rich and Jake, showing shock, worried, concern faces. I really wanted to tell them, wanting them to help me. But I have to keep my mouth shut. So I just looked up front to the board, trying to focus on the subject.

~Time skip brought to you by Clint being a fucking jerk~

Soon class was over, signaling us that school was over. Clint and I were walking down the hall until I heard my name.

"Jeremy!" I turned around to see Michael, trying to get to me. I felt my arm being grabbed harshly by Clint before saying "Remember what we said" I gulped and made my way to Michael, Clint waiting by the entrance.

As I approached him, I was filled with dread, guilt, sorrow, basically any bad shit I'm feeling right now. "Jeremy! I was so worried about you! Are you okay? Why were you not here for the rest of the day?" I was bombarded with questions before I finally spoke up. "M- Micheal, we need t-t-to talk." I told him. He shut up and looked at me.

"I-I-I'm...." I took a deep breath, trying hard not to cry. "I-I-I'm b-breaking u-up w-w-with you..." I told him. He stood there, shocked. I cried, my heart is breaking by the second.

"W-wait... B-b-but Jer-" I cut him off. "I-I-I'm w-with C-c-c-Clint now" I told him. "I'm sorry..." was the last thing I said before walking to Clint. Clint grabbed my arm and dragged me to the car. I took one last glance at Michael, he is a mess. He on his knees crying his eyes out.

Michael's P.O.V

By every word that came out of his mouth, my heart is being stabbed a million times. This doesn't make any sense at all!!!

I dropped down on my knees and cried. The squad swarmed around me, trying to comfort me since they have seen what had happened between me and Jeremy.

He's gone...
Heyyyyy, whats up? Another chapter come and go! Happy pride month by the way!!! June 3! Bisexuals!!

 _______________________________Heyyyyy, whats up? Another chapter come and go! Happy pride month by the way!!! June 3! Bisexuals!!

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Stay tune for the next chapter!

Smile more!

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