Tricked (H.O.R Part 12)

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Mello! How's ya'll? Another airplane ride this coming weekend fuuuuck!!!!

Warning: Why should I tell? Find out for yourselves 😈

Jeremy's P.O.V

Its been 3 and a half weeks, and I'm getting better. I'm starting to forget about what happened between Clint and I, thanks to the help of all of my friends. Especially Michael, he was the most helpful one. He would stay with me, play with me (Not that kind of way... Yet 😏) and kiss me like the loving boyfriend I had in our first date.

Micheal had to go to his grandparents house for two days, he didn't want to go but he has to since he hasn't seen then in a long time.


"I promise I'll be back my love" he said to me before he has to leave. "Don't worry babe, I'll wait for you to get back" I reassure him, he smiled. "Michael, honey, we got to go" Mrs. Mell called. "Were gonna be late, it's just just two days Michael, you can see your boyfriend on Thursday" Michaels dad called. We both blushed, I gave Michael a kiss, he kissed back. Then he pulled away and whispered, "take care" before hopping in Michaels parents car and driving off.

                   ~End of flashback~

Tomorrow Michael's coming back home, it felt like years though. I'm currently bored as fuck right now. 'Hmm, maybe I can make Michael a cake when he gets back' I thought.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen, dad's at work by the way. I opened the fridge and cabinets before grabbing the ingredients. "Fuck, I don't have cake mix." I said to myself. 'looks like I gotta go to the store', I grabbed my cardigan and walked out the door to the store. It's was dark out, it was only 8:17 at night but I want to bake the cake early.

~Time skip brought to you by The smartphone hour! ~

I grabbed the chocolate cake mix, I knew it was Michael's favorite. I bought it and walked back outside but then I saw a figure in the shadows in an alleyway. I didn't mind much but then I know that jacket brand the person was wearing. "Michael?!" I said happily, I thought he was supposed to come tomorrow. I saw him speed walk, "Wait, Michael!" I dropped the bag of cake mix and started running to the figure.

"Michael, not to fast!" I laughed, damn he sure does like to joke around. I kept on running, 'this alleyway is like a maze' I thought. Then suddenly he came to a stop. I stop and catched my breath. "What the hell Michael? You didn't have to run that far" I joke around. I didn't get a response, "Michael?" I called again, confused, he still didn't respond. "Michael?" I whispered, I was starting to get scared. He turned around, and I could see his face clearly. "Hello again slut" Clint said, an evil grin on his face. I was frozen in fear, this can't be happening, I was starting to forget about him! I thought he gave up on finding me. I snapped out and ran.

I was terrified! I can't go back to him, not again! I kept on running but I forgot where the way out is. I could hear the footsteps behind me still, I can't stop I need to keep going. I kept running but thegn I came across a dead end. I panicked, frantically looking for a way out but nothing was there. I heard the footsteps come to a stop, I turned around slowly, scared to see the man who held me captivate for a month. There he stood, a stick in one hand.

"You've been a very bad boy~" he said, walking towards me slowly. I walked back until my back was against the wall, I was breathing fast anxiety taking over. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you won't leave me this time" he said. I screamed for about 2 seconds before I felt something hard hit against my head and before I knew it everything was pitch black.
I'm dragging this on, I know, It's great! 👍 I realized that my house wifi sucks than hotel wifi.

Stay tune for the next chapter!

Smile more!

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