Heartbroken & Stolen(HOR Pt. 4)

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Mello again everyone! I am dead inside after watching AVENGERS ENDGAME!!! but seriously though, its so sad!

Warning: Heartbroken, angst (that's all you need to know for now 😏)

Jeremy's P.O.V

I wake up around 11:00 in the morning, I wanted to go back to sleep until I remembered that I have to go meet Clint tonight for some friend as I like I I call it. I got up and went to the kitchen, since I got hungry and I need food because food is life, food Is the best.

I ended up making myself some pancakes, yeah I know how to cook. Ever since mom left, dad and I have been eating frozen food. I got sick and tired of it so I tought myself how to cook by searching it up online.

I took my breakfast and sat down in the living room, watching episodes of Voltron: Defender of the Universe, honestly I ship Lance and Keith together. Dad's at work, maybe I'll just watch TV the whole day until its time for me to get ready.

~Time skip brought to you by my hunger!~

It's 7:00, I think I should get ready now. I turned off the TV and walked upstairs to my room. I took a C quick shower and wore my usual stripped shirt, cardigan and blue jeans. After that put my shoes on and walked downstairs. I left a note on the fridge for dad to see when he gets home, after that I walked outside.

It wasn't a cold nor hot night, it was perfect. Since I don't have transportation, I always have to walk to school, park, mall etc. I arrived 25 minutes later because I jogged a little bit. 7:57, just in time. I walked up to the second floor were the McDonald's is supposed to be.

Michael's P.O.V


I woke up around 11:30, and today is gonna be a great day because I'm going on a date with Jeremy. I got up, took a shower and dressed neatly (*cough* the usual clothes he wears*cough*). Made breakfast, which was cereal because I can't fucking cook. Then after breakfast, I went downstairs to my basement and played some Mario Cart.

I've been playing for the whole day and eventually it was 6:58, time to get going. I grabbed my car keys and texted my parents, they said it was fine. I walked outside and inside my car, starting it and drove.

~Time skip brought to you by dancing too much in school! ~

I arrived a little early, I knew that Jeremy was gonna be a little late since he just walks. I decided that I was gonna wait for him in our meeting place.

I walked up the stairs and to McDonald's, standing outside the entrance. While I was waiting I saw this little lady that looks one year older than me, she was staring at me. I just ignored it and continued waiting. A minute later I felt a hand on my shoulders. "Hi Jere-" I turned around only to see the same lady.

"Hi!" she smiled at me, I felt uncomfortable. "What do you want?" I asked. "My name is Terrina, are you single?" she asked, that took me by surprise "Umm, N-" I was cut of again when she started hugging me, I had enough of this. "Listen lady, I'm gay, so get your straight ass away!" (Ha, that rhymed 😂 ) I snapped at her. "Well that's not a nice way to treat a lady~" she said, looking up at me, her face almost close to mine.


We both heard a voice, and I know who that voice belongs to. I turned my head to see where the voice came from.

Jeremy was standing in front of us, the look in his eyes looked hurt and sadness.

"W-wait! Jeremy! It's not what yo-" I was cutt off. "Not what it looks like!? You are clearly cheating on me with this damn woman!! How could you!?! I thought you cared about me!?! I t-thought... Were n-never not.. Gonna-a be a t-t-team..." at this point he was breaking, sobbing his eyes out.

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