Pride Month Special (Not A Chapter)

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Mello dudes! Since pride month is almost ending, I decided to make a special chapter! Also, Trans Jeremy! The art is mine! (Sorry of the photo is sideways)

Warning: TAKE IN THE GAY!!

Jeremy's P.O.V

Instead of waking up to my alarm clock, I woke up to my phone ringing. I groaned and picked my phone up from my table. It's Micheal

"Babe, you know 11:00 is early for me every weekends" I asked, yawning. "Well today I'm taking you somewhere special, I'm taking you too... The Pride parade!" Michael almost yelled through the phone. "Wait really!?!" I asked, excited. See, I never been to a pride parade (Same with me ;-;), I've always wanted to be in one. "I know how much you always wanted to be in one, so I want to make it come true." he said, I can tell he was smiling. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Wait, what time should I get ready?" I asked. "Right now! The squip squad is coming, Rich is anxious so you better get your lazy ass ready right now, I'm on my way." he said "Ok, see you later" I said before hangin up.

I quickly got ready, I told dad and he said it was alright. I took out my old flags, my bisexual flag and my trans flag. I heard a knock, I assumed it was Michael. I ran downstairs, almost falling face first in the process, and opened the door to see Michael with his rainbow flag. "You ready?" he asked. "Ready as I'll ever be" I told him before grabbing his hand and walked to his PT cruiser.

~Time skip brought to you by Pride~

Once parked, we caught a glimpse of the others (Honestly, I don't know the others sexuality but you can decide, I only now that Rich is bisexual, Jake is Pansexual and of course Michael is gay and Jeremy is Bisexual) "What took you guyth tho long?" Rich complained, I rolled my eyes "Umm, because I didn't know that this was a surprise idiot" I replied. "Well anyways, we shall go for we have to March down the road full of pride!" Christine squealed. Her girlfriend, Jenna, took her hand. "Chrissy, babe, calm the fuck down." we all laughed before marching down the street with other people who held their flags.

Rich was riding on Jake's shoulders, obviously ain't giving a fuck to the homophobic bitches who were booing at us. Chloe and Brooke were walking hand in hand and Jenna and Christine were taking loads of pictures for them to never forget this beautiful memory. Micheal wrapped his arm around me, smiling. I giggled and gave him a kissed him, while we both raised our flags, waving them around proudly.

Mello again! So I might not be able to post some new chapters in a while since my parents and I are traveling. Also because we're gonna be in a hotel and hotel wifi sucks. But don't worry, I'll find a way to post some new chapters!

Stay tune for the next chapter!

Smile more!

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