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"U sure about this, sweetie? I mean 8 teenagers going to Malaysia, a foreign Asian country I might add, is kinda dangerous." My mom said for 100th time today. I rolled my eyes. "Mom, u said it yourself. It's kinda dangerous. It's just 'kinda'. Not 'very'. We r going to college after summer. It may be the last time we'll be seeing each other. We r not babies, we can take care of ourselves!" I exclaimed.

She nodded. "Yeah, I'm sorry, I just-" She pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. "-I'll miss u, Lilliana." I got a sense that she's crying. "It's okay, mom. U got Lucas here. I'll make sure he makes u happy when I'm not around." I soothed her. I can hear her soft sobs.

See? I told u she's crying.

"Now u r talking like u r about to die!" My mom said. "What the heck, mom? I'm not going to die. I'm just going on a trip. A harmless trip, I might add." I smiled at her while handing her tissues. She may use more tissues than me when I spit on my drink at Spring Formal a year back.

What actually happened back there?

Well, Ashton asked me to be his girlfriend. Being the smart girl I am, I said hell yeah. I mean, who wouldn't? Having a bad boy as your boyfriend is really convenient. When someone tries to steal or purse or bag, a bad boy could scare the bad guys away with just a sentence.

How cool is that?!

"Sweetie? Lilliana? Lilly? LILLIANA!" My mom made me snapped out of my trance. "Huh? Yeah. Sorry. I zoned out, didn't I?" I plastered the sweetest smile I can do to my face. She shook her head. "Why did I ever raised lunatics?" She muttered to herself. "Lunatics? How come there's an 's' in the end? Does this mean I'm involve in this crap too?" Lucas suddenly appeared beside me.

"When did u came here, Luc? I thought u were studying or something." I said. He nodded. "I was. I was just eavesdropping & I heard mom said the word 'lunatics'. So I'm here now to ask her if she is sure I'm a lunatic because I'm pretty sure I'm the normal one in this family." He blabbed.

I rolled my eyes & ruffled his hair. "Yeah. If u the normal one, what makes mom?" I snorted. He smiled innocently. "The mom." I laughed humorlessly. "Aha. Haha. Very funny. Now I need to go up to pack." I said as I went up stairs. Then, my mom hugged me again.

And by again, I mean the 101 time.

"Mom. Can't. Breath." My mom widen her eyes & let go. "Sorry. Got carried away." She said. I quickly run upstairs before she starts to have an emotional breakdown again. "Whew." I wiped the imaginary sweats away as I close my door. I started to get some luggages from my closet. Before I even started to pack, there was a knocking at my window.

I walked towards it & opened it. I met with a pair of green eyes. "Hey sweet cheeks." He gave me a cheeky grin. I smiled. "Hey Prince Ass. What brings u here on a lovely day?" I asked him using a little British accent. "Oh nothing. Just wanna see my girlfriend." He said while smirking. Up until now, I still can't believe I'm Ashton's girlfriend.

We graduated just a week ago. We already decided which uni we wanted to go. We r all going to a university in California. We decided to go together because most of us don't wanna be apart so we have made the same decisions. Then, I got a feeling that someone is snaking their arms around my waist.

"What r u thinking about?" He asked huskily. "Oh nothing. It's just-" I spin around so I can take a good look at him. "-we r going to Malaysia!" I squealed. He raised an eyebrow. "I still don't know why u wanna go to Malaysia. It's a sun-and-rain-only country." He stated as he sits on my bed. "Well..." I sat on his lap.

"It's because that I wanna see new things. Many singers & artists went there before. I wanna see what's interesting. I also know that the tallest twin tower building is located there. I wanna see that too." I explained. He nodded. "Kuala Lumpur City Centre or KLCC for short." He stated. I raised an eyebrow. "How did u know?" He rolled his eyes.

"I'm a science student. The teacher teaches us about architecture one day." I nodded, understood. I rest my head on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat. "R u done packing?" I asked all of a sudden. "3 words." He held up 3 fingers. "I'm a boy." I look up & saw his eyes already piercing into my soul.

"U r a boy so u will pack at the last minute." I stated.

He smiled. "U know me so well." He said proudly & kissed my hair.

"That's because I'm your girlfriend."

Your girlfriend. Ashton's girlfriend. Ashton's girlfriend is Lilliana. Has a nice ring to it, huh?

"I like the way u say that. Ashton's girlfriend is Lilliana." He said. I smiled. "Me too." Then, he started to play with the hem of my shirt. I swatted his hands away. "U r not getting this tonight." I stated as I gestured my body.

Okay. NEWSFLASH! I'm not a virgin anymore. Remember when I say we graduated a week ago? Yeah, that was night my precious virginity is gone. I blame it on Ashton though. We just got to my house. He quickly pulled me towards my room. I asked him what's wrong. Then, he just shook his head...


"What the hell is wrong, Ashton?" I asked as we run up the stairs with our fingers laced together. He shook his head. Then, he opened my bedroom door, let us both in & quickly shut the door. Afterwards, he pinned me to the wall & started kissing me hungrily. "I. Can't. Wait." He stated as he kisses me.

I raised an eyebrow. "What the hell r u talking about, Ashton?" I asked him. He stopped the kisses & look at me dead in the eye. "Do u trust me?" He asked. "Well, this isn't a 3OH!3 music video so yeah. I trust u. Why?" Then, he pushed me towards the bed & started taking off my shirt. I smiled.

"Just say the word, lover boy."

"I want u." He said as he smashed his lips to me.

*End of flashback

I smiled as the memories came back to me. He huffed. "Fine." Then, he pouted like a 3-year-old kid. I rolled my eyes. Curse his good looks & pouting.

"Fine. But just 30 minutes. Violet is coming over." He smirked.

"A quickie. I like that." He said as he smashed his lips to mine like the first time when we did it.



Hey guys!

Phoebe here once again!

How's the prologue of the story? Is it good? The story will be really interesting.

Now guys, remember to









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