Chapter 1- The Big Day! ...

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Today..... Today is the day. The day my parents think I'll changed. And you know what? They don't know that sending me to a stupid boarding school won't do the trick! It won't do Shit! I swear they do anything just to making themselves look good. Those self-absorbed basterds!

Hai! My name's Ruby. I'm 16 and a do whatever the fuck I want! I listen to Blood on the Dance Floor, draw, and make your life a living hell! I'm glad you chose my application for this school, good luck fixing me! I wrote down in my journal while on my parents private jet. My parents were rich off their asses.

"Ruby sweetie, were landing at the airport!" Mom sang

Great. Now I get to move into house with snobby, high-pitched, fake everything, white bitches!

"Don't worry, to can tell us goodbye after the car ride. It's twenty minutes to the school. I'm sure you'll be savoring those last minutes." My father said as he walked into the limo. Followed after my mother, then me.


As I was trying to draw Davhie's face the limo stopped. I got up and ran out the limo, grabbed my bags, and slammed the trunk down before my mother had a chance to open her mouth.

"Ruby!" She yelled

"What? Mother." I calmly said

"P-please let the driver grab your things and open the door for you next time, ok?" She asked. Her voice trembling with fear, god I love being a bitch to her!

We walked to the Dean's office. The lady at the front desk said Mr.Sordruk would be out in twenty minutes, he had a client in with him right now. Twenty minutes my ass! I could tell he was alone in his office or you would've heard talking.

"Screw this!"

I kicked open the door to his office. A man, looking like a fudge ball in his black suit had hardly any hair, green eyes, and a fat nose. The dean, he was betting on a stupid mug on damn eBay!

"Yo! Mr. Drunk! Get your ass up and enroll me before you don't have a computer anymore!"

He was startled by me slamming into his room. He looked at me as if I spoke Japanese. I banged my fist on his desk, Leaving an mark, I also used my spiked gloves and scraped them across it.

"Do you understand me! Get your ass up now!"

I walked out to my parents and he followed soon after.

"Hello! I'm Mr.Sordruk! I'm the Dean at this school. Let's go into my office and get your lovely daughter enrolled, shall we?"


Hoped you like chapter one!

I'll be updating really soon!

Get ready for a wild time with Ruby!

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