Chapter 6 Jammed

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It was the first game I went to go see Jake play. I went in Levi's car with Don and of course Levi.

I ran to the passengers seat.

"I wanted front.." Don murmurs

"Oh well, first come first serve." I say with glee

We rode in the car in silence, but Levi broke it saying "So, just to let you know after the games Jake gets surrounded by girls and he flirts with them and takes the winner home to well..."

"I get the point." I inform him.

"I don't know Levi... After what happen last Monday I don't think he will." Don cuts in

"What do you mean?" Levi asks

"The magazine. Don't be stupid, I saw it. It was Ruby kissing Jake on the cheek in the Supermart parking lot." Don answered

"Hey! For the record that was just for the press. You know, a stunt?" I budge in

"Yea but I think Jake wants it to be more than a stunt." Don says

"Nah! He'll be hitting on every chick he can. Watch." Levi disagrees

"Wanna bet on it?" Don asks

"Twenty." Levi replies

"Deal." Don agrees

They both hands me 20$ from their wallets. Guess I'm the bank.

Levi turns left. "So, what happens at these?" I ask

"Have you been to one of these?" Don asks

"No." I reply

"Well explains your not wearing the team colors." He said

I'm wearing a camo shirt with red shorts. And black ankle allstars.

Levi pulls up to the parking lot.

"Well, we're thirty minutes late. Shocker!" Levi saids sarcastically

I hop out of the car. "How long does the game have left?"

"Thirty minutes." Levi and Don say in unison

We walk onto the bleachers. "Hey imma go grab a water." I say

"Ok hurry!" Don says

I go and find a stand. It took at least 10 minutes to just get a water. I get back and the games over. Wait what?

"What happen?" I ask

"The team forfeited it." Levi responds

"Oh." I spot Jake and Levi was right, surrounded by girls I hand Levi the money.

I start to walk out the truck but I hear someone yell. "Wait!" I turn around and it's Jake.

Jake runs up to me and hugs me

"What are you doing?" I ask

"Hugging you." He lets go of me

"Why? You have all of those girls to pick from."

"Why go talk to girls who just want sex when I can go home with you?"

"What?" I ask

"You know, go home make pizza and beat you at Hunger Games." He answered

"Oh! Hehe.. Are we taking your car?"


I start running "race you!" I yell

"You'll lose!" He shouts

He starts running and picks me up.

"Hey! No fair!" I say

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